Design/Prototype/Make – Page 2 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Design/Prototype/Make

On Wednesday we had a visit from the Burnaby Art Gallery and students had the opportunity to explore artwork that incorporates BC’s coastal landscape. We looked at the artwork of artists such as Toni Onley, who has spent years documenting the coast of BC using watercolours, etchings and drawings; and Gordon Smith, who had a life-long fascination with BC’s rugged coast. We learned how artists use colour and atmospheric perspective to show the stillness of undisturbed coastlines. We also learned about watercolour and used mixed media collage techniques to create an art work that is influenced by our own connections to the environment.

Shape Cities

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In Art students have been learning how to use shape as an element of art and created shape cities.

How do you make slime with glue, water and Borax? Slime is made after a chemical reaction occurs between two main ingredients; polyvinyl alcohol and borate ion. Glue contains polyvinyl acetates (PVAC) molecules. These are long polymers that are like long strands of spaghetti tangled together on your plate. The Borax (borate ions)hook these together so they don’t flow so well and begin to act more like a solid and their viscosity increases.

During the slime lab students learned that increasing the amount of water in their slime mixture helped it flow better, while increasing the amount of Borax made the slime firmer.

We were tasked with designing a newspaper advertisement for the Burnaby Now newspaper. Our class was asked to design an ad for The Valley Bakery in North Burnaby. The Valley Bakery bakes fresh every day. They bake breads, buns, cookies, muffins, pastries and more. They have beautifully decorated cakes for all occasions too!

Here are some pictures of us in design mode:

Blog Post Written By: A.W.

This year students from Divisions 1 through 5 researched about historically significant people, places, and events in Canada.  They used inquiry processes to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; draw conclusions and make ethical judgements about events, decisions, and actions; and used technology and design skills to communicate their findings to their audience.

To view their Heritage Minutes click here:

To view their posters and see who the award recipients were click here:

Students did an excellent job and we learned lots from their presentations.  Well done everyone!


What a wonderful way for us to mark National Indigenous Peoples Day! Last year, we embarked on a weaving project with Coast Salish weavers Angela George and her apprentice Caitlin. They led us through a process where together we brainstormed our school values. Words such as kind, caring, our natural environment and the weaving of our French and English program were all ideas that were woven into the loom.

This weaving will hang proudly in our main foyer. We will revisit this with all of our students in the coming school year.

Special thanks to Alivia, Breton and Aaliya from Div 7 who received the weaving on behalf of our Aubrey community. Additionally, we thank our kindergarten children who so beautifully sang the Coast Salish Anthem with the arrival of the weaving.


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