Core-Personal/Social – Page 2 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Core-Personal/Social

On Wednesday we had a virtual field trip on zero waste and circular economies. Students learned about the 3Rs and examined why it is so important to reduce and re-use our resources.  They explored the “how to” for recycling and composting and discovered solutions for sustainable waste management and how to remake materials and products to be used again and again, mimicking natural cycles in nature.

Students are encouraged to take a waste audit for homework for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate of our choice or a pizza party for our class.  To complete the audit click on the link to take the fun WASTE AUDIT or follow the steps below:


CLICK ON the audit and complete!


This book “Let’s Talk About Race” Written by Julis Lester and Illustrated By Karen Barbour was a springboard for our in-class discussions about race, racism, discrimination, stereotypes, and inequality.  In the book Julius Lester describes how our lives are stories and the differences are merely in the details and that beneath our skin we are all the same.  Questions students were asked to consider and discuss were:

  • Does your story begin when you were born? Why or why not?
  • What makes up your story? …
  • Is skin colour a part of your story?
  • How does the color of your skin affect you?
  • What is an important part of your story?
  • The author says, “race is a story.” What does he mean by this?

Following this activity students then examined the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s and listened to one his his most famous speeches, which he delivered to a quarter of a million people in 1963 in Washington, DC. In his speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Students were then asked to discuss whether or not his dream has been fulfilled yet and compose an essay with evidence to support their claims.  Many students agreed that while progress has been made with regards to eliminating racism. discrimination, and inequality more still needs to be done to achieve his dream.


Friday, May 22, 2020 from:
9:00am – 10:00am PST

11:00am-12:00pm PST OR
1:00pm – 2:00pm PST

This 60 minute student presentation, brought to you by the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with Safer Schools Together, will focus on lessons and content most applicable to today’s new world of online remote learning. This presentation will cover all things digital, from digital citizenship to fake news and to the growing anxiety of the unknown with the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the most prominent concerns currently surrounding a student’s use of social networking sites and smartphones will be discussed including suggestions for reporting worrisome behaviours.

This session is being offered at 3 different times during the day on May 22.Please visit the following link to register for whichever session works best for you:

9am – 10am:

11am – 12pm:

1pm – 2pm:

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Hi Division 4,

I hope you like my DIY chalk mosaic in the background. Don’t forget to create your own Message of Hope.  You can drop them off in the drop off box outside the school in the undercover area next to the community office and staff will post them for you in our school windows.

I miss you all and really looking forward to when things are back to normal.

Ms Smith


This Valentines Day while we were handing out our Valentine Day cards and our teacher Mrs. Smith handed out compliment mats. A compliment mat stayed on our desks, and our classmates went around and wrote compliments for each other. Before we began the activity we discussed as a class what a compliment is and what it is not.  The main lesson we learned is to always be kind and respect one another.

Written By: F.G

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