Core-Creative/Critical Thinking – Page 7 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Core-Creative/Critical Thinking

Kindness is Cool

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During buddies we read a book called The Cool Bean written by Jory John and Pete Oswald.  We also watched a video about the origins of Pink Shirt Day and discussed what kindness is and how to spread kindness to others. Afterwards, we made pink shirts with our little buddies to help remind others to stand up to bullies and treat others the way they want to be treated.

Written By: L.M

Grade 6/7 Speeches

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Today we got to watch some of the Grade 6 and 7 students give powerful speeches. They all talked about really important matters including global warming, racism, mental health, boredom, the importance of family, and the benefits of travel. Everyone’s speeches were incredible and very insightful.  Every student who presented did an amazing job educating everyone about their topic. I cannot wait to do a speech of my own in Term 3 and again when I am in Grade 6 or 7 in front of a school audience!

By: C.G.

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