Core-Creative/Critical Thinking – Page 6 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Core-Creative/Critical Thinking

On Monday students from Division 3 participated as a class in an interactive virtual workshop with Relay Education facilitators using Google Meet.  Students:

  • learned about renewable and non-renewable energy
  • discussed the pros and cons of various types of renewable and non-renewable forms of energy
  • participated in demonstrations with model wind turbines
  • completed science equipments to determine how the length and number of blades on a wind turbine change how much energy is produced

Remembrance Day

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To celebrate Remembrance Day, we made acrostic poems, paintings of poppies and a wreath of poppies for Remembrance Day Ceremony. To make the wreath we cut egg cartons into poppy shapes, painted them red, added red, black and green tissue paper.  Once the poppies were complete we assembled them on to a piece of red card stock to form the wreath. To make the paintings we created a prototype of our design, drew them again on watercolour paper and painted them with watercolour paint.  These pieces of art were then put on display with our Remembrance Day poetry.

Written By: L.C and G.G

Video: Navigating Mazes With Sphero

During Tech Day on Thursday, our class constructed mazes out of cardboard in small groups.  We then had to code Spheros to navigate through the mazes without touching the walls or running into any obstacles. Some of the challenges we faced were constructing the obstacles within the maze and then coding the Spheros to be able to navigate through the maze.  We had to learn how to adjust the speed, distance and angles to get the Spheros to navigate successfully through our maze and over ramps and bridges. We also had to learn to work together and divide tasks equally so that everyone was able to participate and take turns coding.

Written By: Carina, Emma, and Laurie.


Before Spring Break we were exploring the structure of comics and graphic novels. We explored how text and visual features work together in graphic novels to tell a story. From organizing the panels and gutters, to different perspective shots, and various ways to create feeling, suspense, emotion, drama, connection.

We looked at what features are important to a story and explored the various elements of a plot.  We looked at different ways to introducing characters and develop the setting.  We also examined how rising actions build up to a climax and how conflicts are resolved through falling action.

Using the resources listed below you can finish your graphic novel assignment in paper or digital format.  Once you have completed your assignment please upload a copy of your finished work to your Blogfolios for assessment.

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