Core-Creative/Critical Thinking – Page 5 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Core-Creative/Critical Thinking

If you are interested in seeing the Burnaby Art Gallery’s annual showcase of collective student artwork be sure to book your visit today. The gallery will be on display from April 30 through to June 6th. Bookings are required so call in advance to book one of several spots. Half-hour time slots have been scheduled throughout opening hours (Tuesday – Friday 10am – 4:30pm; Sat & Sun Noon-4:30pm), with a maximum of 8 people allowed in the gallery at a time. Groups are restricted to 4 and should be from the same household. As always, gallery admission is by donation.


This book “Let’s Talk About Race” Written by Julis Lester and Illustrated By Karen Barbour was a springboard for our in-class discussions about race, racism, discrimination, stereotypes, and inequality.  In the book Julius Lester describes how our lives are stories and the differences are merely in the details and that beneath our skin we are all the same.  Questions students were asked to consider and discuss were:

  • Does your story begin when you were born? Why or why not?
  • What makes up your story? …
  • Is skin colour a part of your story?
  • How does the color of your skin affect you?
  • What is an important part of your story?
  • The author says, “race is a story.” What does he mean by this?

Following this activity students then examined the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s and listened to one his his most famous speeches, which he delivered to a quarter of a million people in 1963 in Washington, DC. In his speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Students were then asked to discuss whether or not his dream has been fulfilled yet and compose an essay with evidence to support their claims.  Many students agreed that while progress has been made with regards to eliminating racism. discrimination, and inequality more still needs to be done to achieve his dream.

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