Core-Communication – Page 4 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Core-Communication

What a wonderful way for us to mark National Indigenous Peoples Day! Last year, we embarked on a weaving project with Coast Salish weavers Angela George and her apprentice Caitlin. They led us through a process where together we brainstormed our school values. Words such as kind, caring, our natural environment and the weaving of our French and English program were all ideas that were woven into the loom.

This weaving will hang proudly in our main foyer. We will revisit this with all of our students in the coming school year.

Special thanks to Alivia, Breton and Aaliya from Div 7 who received the weaving on behalf of our Aubrey community. Additionally, we thank our kindergarten children who so beautifully sang the Coast Salish Anthem with the arrival of the weaving.


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In class this week we discussed the devastating impacts, past and present, of the residential school system in Canada.

We offer our deepest condolences to all Indigenous families and communities affected by the trauma and tragedy of the residential school system, then and now.

While we cannot change the past, we do have a responsibility for the present. With knowledge and mutual respect we can bring about changes for a brighter future.

This book “Let’s Talk About Race” Written by Julis Lester and Illustrated By Karen Barbour was a springboard for our in-class discussions about race, racism, discrimination, stereotypes, and inequality.  In the book Julius Lester describes how our lives are stories and the differences are merely in the details and that beneath our skin we are all the same.  Questions students were asked to consider and discuss were:

  • Does your story begin when you were born? Why or why not?
  • What makes up your story? …
  • Is skin colour a part of your story?
  • How does the color of your skin affect you?
  • What is an important part of your story?
  • The author says, “race is a story.” What does he mean by this?

Following this activity students then examined the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s and listened to one his his most famous speeches, which he delivered to a quarter of a million people in 1963 in Washington, DC. In his speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Students were then asked to discuss whether or not his dream has been fulfilled yet and compose an essay with evidence to support their claims.  Many students agreed that while progress has been made with regards to eliminating racism. discrimination, and inequality more still needs to be done to achieve his dream.

     During todays virtual field trip we learned about the 3 local watersheds in Metro Vancouver (Capilano, Seymour, and Coquitlam). We learned that the Watershed is not a shed its actually part of the ecosystem and has many interconnected parts that are important to protect.
     So what are watersheds and what do they do? A watershed is an area of land that drains surface water and groundwater into a common water body, such as a creek, stream, lake or the ocean. In British Columbia water sheds down from the mountains into a lake or the water reservoir of our local watershed. Dams help keep the water in the reservoir.
     In British Columbia there are 400 watersheds that provide residents of British Columbia with Fresh drinking water. Of these 400 watersheds only 4 are protected.  Three of the protected watersheds are located right here in Metro Vancouver.
     Watersheds are closed to the public and people are prohibited from swimming, hiking, or fishing in these protected areas.  This helps keep our water supply clean and protected.
     The largest watershed in Metro Vancouver is located in Coquitlam.  Residents of the lower maintained get their drinking water from different watersheds.  For example, Richmond gets their water from the Capilano watershed while residents of Port Moody get their drinking water from the Coquitlam watershed.  Here in Burnaby we get our water from the Seymour watershed. When one reservoir is low or contaminated, cities must then get their water from a different watershed temporarily.
     During today’s field trip we also discussed how humans borrow water from the water cycle and why it is important to conserve water.  Did you know that it takes approximately 1 day or 24 hours for your water to travel from the reservoir to your tap. This is an average amount of time but it also depends on where you live and how close or far away from the watershed you are.
Which of the following is the most important?
A. Precipitation
B. Salmon
C. Forest
D. Reservoir
E. All of the Above
THE ANSWER IS E! (All of the above are an important part of the watershed and equally important.  Each one is dependent on the other).
What is the oldest tree in our watershed?
A. 100 years
B.800 years
C. 500 years old
D. 1000 years old
The ANSWER IS D.  That is a very old tree.
     For homework we were then tasked with finding out how much water we use and asked to think about ways we can conserve more water.  Click the link below to complete the water audit and get entered to win a pizza party for our class.  Good luck!
Blog Post Written By: C.S. and K. S.

People from Fortis BC talked with us today virtually about different forms of natural gas energy. We learned about LNG (Liquid Natural Gas), RNG (Renewable Natural Gas), and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). LNG is natural gas that has been cooled down to liquid. RNG is Gas that is created from compost and is renewable. CNG is an eco-friendly alternative fuel for vehicles. Another thing the class learned is that if you smell rotten eggs go outside and call Fortis BC or 911 until it is safe to go back inside. We also learned about ways to conserve energy. Some of the ways we can conserve energy is to keep doors shut, close windows to keep warm air in, take shorter showers, and use technology less and unplug when your not using it. These are only some of the ways you can conserve energy. We also learned that if you are doing any digging on your property you should call Fortis BC to get a free map of where the gas pipes are located around your house. You should always be careful near pipe line markers and avoid digging or using heavy machinery in the area. Activities that are okay to do in these areas where the pipelines run include walking or biking.

Written By: E.M, T.K., and Z.H.

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