Core-Communication – Page 3 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Core-Communication

Friday, June 3rd is Outdoor Fun Day.  We ask that students come to school with a lunch and dressed for the weather (water bottle, hat, sunscreen, etc.)  Students will be dismissed from their classrooms, 12:15pm for French and 12:30 pm for English.  Parents are welcome to attend the outside activities.  Students will be participating in fun activities organized by the Grade 7 students. One of the activities will be jumping rope. Each teacher has some skipping ropes for their class,  but we also ask that students bring a skipping rope from home if possible. We are including Jump rope for Heart fundraising information should you choose to participate. This fundraising is solely done online this year. (more…)

Divisions 1, 2, 3, and 5 would like to invite you all to their Business Fair, happening on Tuesday, May 31st in the Gym.

Students in these classes were given the task to create a product from scratch. They created a prototype in which they had to present to the class and receive feedback in order to improve their product. Going forward, they established a money plan covering their costs and looking at their potential profits. Finally, they worked on advertising and marketing towards a certain demographic.

This week marks the final week of preparation to kickstart their business. Flyers are already hanging up in the hallways, and we even have some infomercials to be broadcasted in classrooms promoting the business fair and the creative products that these students have made.

Prices range from $1 to about $4depending on the product. Products range from Stress Balls, Slime, and Fidgets to specialized bookmarks, soaps, and other creative little knick-knacks that children of all ages would enjoy!

Students will have their opportunity to purchase items on Tuesday, May 31st with their class. Purchases are completely optional, but if students wish to buy something, it is recommended that Primary students not bring any more than $10 with them for this event, and Intermediate students not to bring any more than $20.


Come by and check it out! Parents are welcome to come preview the Business Fair on Monday, May 30thfrom 2:30 – 3:00pm to see what wonderful products there will be. No purchases will be made however at this time, as students will have their opportunity to buy items the following day when the Business Fair is officially launched. Entrance and Exit will be from the exterior Gym doors only. 

Thank you everyone for your support!


“A medicine wheel is a foundation of teaching and learning that shows how different parts of life are connected and balanced. The symbol of four colours in a circle represents the interconnectivity of all aspects of a person’s relationship with themselves, others, and the natural and spiritual world”

Words by Joyce Perrault from “All Creation Represented: A Child’s Guide to the Medicine Wheels”

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After reading “The Great Realization” by Tomos Robert the students create a similar poem on their own global issue. They worked in pairs to create a 6 stanza poem with A, A, B, B or A, B, A, B rhyming scheme.

Below are the poems they created.
Student Poems

We were tasked with designing a newspaper advertisement for the Burnaby Now newspaper. Our class was asked to design an ad for The Valley Bakery in North Burnaby. The Valley Bakery bakes fresh every day. They bake breads, buns, cookies, muffins, pastries and more. They have beautifully decorated cakes for all occasions too!

Here are some pictures of us in design mode:

Blog Post Written By: A.W.

Link to Read-Aloud:

Today, in class Ms. Knowlan our student teacher taught a lesson based on the book The Great Realization written by Tomos Roberts. The book is about the pandemic, times of crisis, and the many  global issues we are facing today. It also highlights how the pandemic has helped us open our eyes to some of  these global issues during the global pandemic.

A few questions we discussed as a class were:

What do you think the meaning of this poem is?

What are some things that resonated with you?

In the video how does the relationship between Roberts and his siblings influence his message, choice of words, delivery and impact?

Does Tomos Robert paint a positive or negative picture?

Do the illustrations from the book change your perception or understanding?

Why do you think the author chose the title “The Great Realization”?

What are some key issues he identifies?

How does he portray the world after lockdown?

What does he mean by “hindsight’s 2020”?


For the next lesson we will be partnered up and asked to write and illustrate our own poems on global issues affecting us today (poverty, pollution, climate change, inequality, technology consumption, war, natural disasters, over population, corruption, etc.).

Blogpost written by: A.W.

This year students from Divisions 1 through 5 researched about historically significant people, places, and events in Canada.  They used inquiry processes to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; draw conclusions and make ethical judgements about events, decisions, and actions; and used technology and design skills to communicate their findings to their audience.

To view their Heritage Minutes click here:

To view their posters and see who the award recipients were click here:

Students did an excellent job and we learned lots from their presentations.  Well done everyone!


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