Communicating Student Learning – Page 5 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Communicating Student Learning

On Monday students from Division 3 participated as a class in an interactive virtual workshop with Relay Education facilitators using Google Meet.  Students:

  • learned about renewable and non-renewable energy
  • discussed the pros and cons of various types of renewable and non-renewable forms of energy
  • participated in demonstrations with model wind turbines
  • completed science equipments to determine how the length and number of blades on a wind turbine change how much energy is produced

Image result for burnaby world ringette championships

Last Thursday we had an amazing time watching a World Ringette Championship game at Bill Copeland Arena in Burnaby.  The United States were playing the Czech Republic.  When we left to return to school the United States were clearly defeating the Czech Republic by a long shot.  We all had fun cheering for our favorite teams.  For more information on the championship games visit:

In case you didn’t know, Ringette is played on ice like hockey with a straight sick and hollow ring.   For more information on the rules of the game visit:

Author: F. G. and A. C.

On Friday at Young Peoples Concert we got to see the the Blues Berries perform. Their show was amazing and we all had lots of fun moving to the music.

We  learned about the history of blues music and more about the history of musical instruments. They told us how blues music originated in the deep south and was largely influenced by African American slaves. We learned that drums are very important in African culture and that drums are not only used to entertain people or to give rhythm to a song but are like the heart beat of their culture. However, before slavery was abolished African American slaves were banned from using or having drums. But this didn’t stop the slaves. They created their own instruments using wash boards, wash tubs, broom sticks and strings to create their music bringing with it some of the earliest blues music.  During their performance the Blues Berries performed a song using a bass guitar they created using a wash tub, long broom stick and string, tambourines, a wash board and a banjo and it sounded incredible.

We all learned about people who sang blues music and what their names were. We also learned about things that they did before singing and playing blues music.


DIY  make your own tambourine:

~Bottle Caps

~Two pieces of ribbon

~Two firm paper plates

~Hole puncher


Pick a bright, fun color for your tambourine. Turn the plates over to the backside and add a coat or two of paint. Continue adding more with a brush until the whole thing is covered evenly. Set aside to dry.

Place approximately 20 bottle caps inside one of the paper plates. After adding bottle caps, place the other plate on top. Hole punch roughly six to eight times around the edge of the two plates. Buy an interesting ribbon that matches or complements the previously chosen paint color. Cut a piece of ribbon for each hole made. Weave the ribbon through the holes, pull tight and tie a bow for added flair.

For more information on The Blues Berries visit:

Author: G. K.



Throughout our Planting a Promise unit students in division 4 and 12 will be learning that:
✱ Plants are diverse in the way they grow.  They are different in their appearance, in their use and in their life cycle.
✱ Seasonal changes happen in plants as well as animals.
✱ Plants have basic needs (air, water, soil and light) that must be met in order for them to grow.
✱ Air, water and soil have different physical characteristics that can affect the growth of plants.
✱ Personal choices have environmental consequences that can affect living resources, like plants.


“I can plan ways to engage with my audience and present thought-provoking activities in the form of an Escape Room”

“I can plan Escape Room activities with others and adapt activities for older and younger students”

“I can think outside the box to create innovative props and activities that will appeal to my audience and encourage them to think critically”


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