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Recently students learned the basics of watercolour painting with Meeta Dani who is an internationally renowned award-winning Indian watercolor artist who is now based in Burnaby, Canada.

We are so thankful that we had the opportunity to work with her and we learned so much from her.  Take a look at these amazing animal portraits the students created.

For more information or to view her work visit:

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In Term 3 students researched and presented their history projects about Canadian history at the School Fair with students from Division 3.

Fenix, Liam, and Sierra from our class along with Dylan, Ivy, and Alicia from Division 3 were all selected to attend the Regional Fair this year in Delta.

At the Regional Fair students had the opportunity to visit the Port of Vancouver and learn about the various types of ships that import and export goods.  They also got to create a photographic print using cyanotype. At the Regional Fair Liam, Fenix, and Dylan all won individual awards and Fenix was selected also selected to attend the Provincial Heritage Fair in Victoria this July.

All the students put an outstanding amount of effort into their projects this year and should be very proud of the research and presentations.

In Term 3 our class was learning about the importance of sleep, diet, and physical activity and how these things can have an impact on our health and well being.  We also learned how to conduct surveys and how to represent data in bar graphs.

Once students had the hang of conducting surveys and graphing their results we decided to conduct school wide surveys.  The students surveyed their peers to determine how much time screen time students are getting, how much physical activity they are getting each day, how many sugary drinks they are consuming per day, and how many hours of sleep they are getting each night.

After compiling all the results the students created graphs that they later presented to the whole school.  As they presented their  findings they also provided students with recommendations for how they can balance screen time with other activities, consume less sugar, increase their physical activity and make sure they are getting enough sleep.

Today students had a presentation from Safer Schools that focused on educating students on cyberbullying, digital citizenship, and online safety. Students learned many ways to protect themselves online and also learned about a new online help tool designed to help build safe and caring school communities . The site discusses complex issues facing students and is a resource to empower students, parents, educators and community partners to seek help with challenges and report concerns to schools.  For more information visit:

Today in class we reviewed how how to do an image search and select only creative common photos that are available to be reused and do not infringe on copyright laws. One website students are encouraged to use for projects is:

Also, we reviewed how to select photos in a google search that are safe and able to be reused.

Lastly, we spent some time reviewing where to find information for projects in our online library catalog under Destiny Discover oand through our online library web resources.

The Burnaby School District is transitioning to Office 365 for grade 4-7 students, giving them free access to a Microsoft Office 365 cloud based account. It includes a personal email address as well as access to the most recent versions of Microsoft Office tools, such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote and more. It also includes an online file storage space (OneDrive) so work can be accessed on any device. Office 365 enriches the learning experience providing students and teachers the ability to communicate, store files and collaborate on documents and presentations from school or home, all within a secure online environment. 

As we get ready to introduce this at Stoney Creek, more information will be sent home. Attached below is a copy of the District letter to students with more details.



At the beginning of the school year all students of Stoney Creek had an opportunity to develop their ADST skills with Alex McKillop, our Applied Design, Skills & Technologies District Advisor as they planned, designed, cut, sanded , and decorated wooden leaves for our school kindness mural. The next time you are in the school be sure to stop by the office and admire their beautiful artwork.  Like leaves blowing in the wind this mural will be a permanent reminder for us all to perform random acts of kindness and give back to the community in positive ways.

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Aaron Nelson- Moody led students through a guided session on indigenous art and storytelling.  Students learned about the significance of a house post and learned about the symbols commonly used in First Nations art and carvings.  They then had an opportunity to create a drawing of a salmon using the techniques demonstrated by Aaron Nelson- Moody.

Big Idea

Exploring stories and other texts helps us understand ourselves and make connections to others and to the world
Works of art influence and are influenced by the world around us
Engaging in creative expression and experiences expands people’s sense of identity and belonging

Curricular Competencies

Identify how story in First Peoples cultures connects people to the land
Explore a range of cultures, and the relationships among cultures, societies, and the arts

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