Art – Page 7 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Art

For Remembrance Day this year students from Division 4 wove their own wreath from ivy and made poppies from maple leaves to honour those who have served or made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.


With our little buddies from division 12 we learned how to use Japanese Notan to create haunted houses. We learned to balance dark and light using reflections to create positive and negative spaces.

Students can:

– use a variety of literary devices (e.g., imagery, sensory detail, simile, metaphor) to enhance writing, develop meaning, and communicate ideas about themselves through poetry

– apply image-development strategies to create an image of a thumbprint to convey things that make them as unique as their thumbprints

In this lesson we learned to:

  • Identify elements in the visual arts, including traditional Coast Salish design motifs (circle, oval, crescent, trigon).
  • Analyze, critique, and connect with art using visual thinking strategies.
  • Understand that symbolism is a way to create, represent, and communicate meaning.
  • Experiment with a variety of media to create a Coast Salish style animal.

This week students from Division 4 visited the Burnaby Village Museum to learn from Indigenous Educators about hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwxw̱ú7mesh history and culture. Using the First Peoples Principles of Learning, they explored the Indigenous Learning House and the Matriarch’s Garden at Burnaby Village Museum.

“I can fill my silhouette with zentangles (miniature pieces of unplanned, abstract art created through simple, and structured patterns).”

“I can demonstrate knowledge of line, line qualities, and how line is used to make patterns.”

“I can explain how artists use line to convey information.”


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Recently students learned the basics of watercolour painting with Meeta Dani who is an internationally renowned award-winning Indian watercolor artist who is now based in Burnaby, Canada.

We are so thankful that we had the opportunity to work with her and we learned so much from her.  Take a look at these amazing animal portraits the students created.

For more information or to view her work visit:

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