Art – Page 6 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Art

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Hi Division 4,

I hope you like my DIY chalk mosaic in the background. Don’t forget to create your own Message of Hope.  You can drop them off in the drop off box outside the school in the undercover area next to the community office and staff will post them for you in our school windows.

I miss you all and really looking forward to when things are back to normal.

Ms Smith


Teach Kids How to Knit with these easy tutorials.

Now that school’s out, and they’re confined to home, a creative outlet is just what they need. Knitting helps kids learn maths, spacial awareness and mindfulness, and boosts their creativity and confidence, all while working at their own pace.

Give it a try if you have knitting materials at home.  Link: Kids Knit

Kindness is Cool

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During buddies we read a book called The Cool Bean written by Jory John and Pete Oswald.  We also watched a video about the origins of Pink Shirt Day and discussed what kindness is and how to spread kindness to others. Afterwards, we made pink shirts with our little buddies to help remind others to stand up to bullies and treat others the way they want to be treated.

Written By: L.M

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