Art – Page 5 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Art

This past week students learned how math and art are sometimes intertwined during this Japanese Notan lesson. Japanese Notan design principles require the artist to use lines of symmetry and reflection to create positive (light) and negative (dark) spaces within their artwork.

I Am Poetry

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Don’t forget to check our your child’s I Am poetry and give them feedback on their writing.  Poems will be uploaded to their blogfolio later this week.

During the first week back we read the book “Say Something” by Peter H Reynolds. The central theme of the book is that the world needs your voice and that a single voice can make a big difference.   Following the reading of the book students were tasked with making cursive name creatures and asked to use their voice to say something to inspire others. Don’t forget the world needs your voice too so don’t be afraid to use it.

Have you ever wondered why we have fingerprints? or why we have different blood types? or questioned what kinds of bacteria may be lurking on your tongue? or how the human brain asks itself a question? or how our eyes perceive colour? or why we get goosebumps when we are cold or scared? or why we sometimes get a headache when we quickly eat or drink something cold? or why human skin and eyes come in different colours? or why our stomachs growl when we are hungry?

Students of Division 4 are actively investigating questions about the human body and its many systems and will be sharing some of their finding with you in the coming weeks.

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