Art – Page 3 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Art

“A medicine wheel is a foundation of teaching and learning that shows how different parts of life are connected and balanced. The symbol of four colours in a circle represents the interconnectivity of all aspects of a person’s relationship with themselves, others, and the natural and spiritual world”

Words by Joyce Perrault from “All Creation Represented: A Child’s Guide to the Medicine Wheels”

We were tasked with designing a newspaper advertisement for the Burnaby Now newspaper. Our class was asked to design an ad for The Valley Bakery in North Burnaby. The Valley Bakery bakes fresh every day. They bake breads, buns, cookies, muffins, pastries and more. They have beautifully decorated cakes for all occasions too!

Here are some pictures of us in design mode:

Blog Post Written By: A.W.

3D Agamographs

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This art project was inspired by the work of Yaacov Agam, the inventor of the agamograph. This kinetic art form uses optical illusion, making the image shapeshifter before the viewers eyes when viewed from different angles.

This art project was inspired by the work of Yaacov Agam, the inventor of the agamograph. This kinetic art form uses optical illusion, making the image shapeshift before the viewers eyes when viewed from different angles.

This year students from Divisions 1 through 5 researched about historically significant people, places, and events in Canada.  They used inquiry processes to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; draw conclusions and make ethical judgements about events, decisions, and actions; and used technology and design skills to communicate their findings to their audience.

To view their Heritage Minutes click here:

To view their posters and see who the award recipients were click here:

Students did an excellent job and we learned lots from their presentations.  Well done everyone!


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