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Video: Navigating Mazes With Sphero

During Tech Day on Thursday, our class constructed mazes out of cardboard in small groups.  We then had to code Spheros to navigate through the mazes without touching the walls or running into any obstacles. Some of the challenges we faced were constructing the obstacles within the maze and then coding the Spheros to be able to navigate through the maze.  We had to learn how to adjust the speed, distance and angles to get the Spheros to navigate successfully through our maze and over ramps and bridges. We also had to learn to work together and divide tasks equally so that everyone was able to participate and take turns coding.

Written By: Carina, Emma, and Laurie.


Have you ever wondered why we have fingerprints? or why we have different blood types? or questioned what kinds of bacteria may be lurking on your tongue? or how the human brain asks itself a question? or how our eyes perceive colour? or why we get goosebumps when we are cold or scared? or why we sometimes get a headache when we quickly eat or drink something cold? or why human skin and eyes come in different colours? or why our stomachs growl when we are hungry?

Students of Division 4 are actively investigating questions about the human body and its many systems and will be sharing some of their finding with you in the coming weeks.


Friday, May 22, 2020 from:
9:00am – 10:00am PST

11:00am-12:00pm PST OR
1:00pm – 2:00pm PST

This 60 minute student presentation, brought to you by the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with Safer Schools Together, will focus on lessons and content most applicable to today’s new world of online remote learning. This presentation will cover all things digital, from digital citizenship to fake news and to the growing anxiety of the unknown with the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the most prominent concerns currently surrounding a student’s use of social networking sites and smartphones will be discussed including suggestions for reporting worrisome behaviours.

This session is being offered at 3 different times during the day on May 22.Please visit the following link to register for whichever session works best for you:

9am – 10am:

11am – 12pm:

1pm – 2pm:

Teach Kids How to Knit with these easy tutorials.

Now that school’s out, and they’re confined to home, a creative outlet is just what they need. Knitting helps kids learn maths, spacial awareness and mindfulness, and boosts their creativity and confidence, all while working at their own pace.

Give it a try if you have knitting materials at home.  Link: Kids Knit

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Benefits of Stop Motion Animation

  • Offers children ownership and autonomy in the film making process
  • Teaches children how stop motion animation works
  • Debunks the mechanics of how movie-making happens
  • The creative constraint of the medium encourages problem solving
  • It’s a simple, hands-on technology that young children can achieve
  • Encourages children to project and plan out where a story is heading
  • Fosters iteration and experimentation through trying and testing
  • Supports storytelling


  1. Set up a backdrop. This could be a wall or pice of foam core.
  2. Gather toys to include in your animation.
  3. Set up your touch pad or smart phone on a stand or tripod, across from the foam core.
  4. Start the Stop Motion Animation App and make your movie!

Are you ready to give it a try?

Click here for the link to download the free stop motion app.

Here is an example of one my daughter Kasia and I created using the free version of the Stop Motion app called Penguin in the Middle  Enjoy!



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