October 2020 – Div 3 Class Blog

Month: October 2020


Last year students, staff and families collaborated with Ang George and Caitlin Aleck to create a Coast Salish weaving that represents Aubrey Elementary’s values and core beliefs.  Take a look at the video below to learn more about the weaving and see the progress that has been made on this beautiful work of art.


Video: Navigating Mazes With Sphero

During Tech Day on Thursday, our class constructed mazes out of cardboard in small groups.  We then had to code Spheros to navigate through the mazes without touching the walls or running into any obstacles. Some of the challenges we faced were constructing the obstacles within the maze and then coding the Spheros to be able to navigate through the maze.  We had to learn how to adjust the speed, distance and angles to get the Spheros to navigate successfully through our maze and over ramps and bridges. We also had to learn to work together and divide tasks equally so that everyone was able to participate and take turns coding.

Written By: Carina, Emma, and Laurie.


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