
The students had so much fun creating these fluffy snow people! These soft 3D art are super easy to make with just two ingredients: white liquid glue and foam shaving cream.


We hope all the families liked the beautiful canvas paintings the students made! Each one of them did a fantastic job creating acrylic paint masterpieces! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break!



We made pastel pumpkin patches with liquid glue and oil pastels. The students did a fantastic job!

The students also did self portraits

of themselves drawing one side of their visible self and the left side being their invisible self.  The visible self on the right side is what we all can see from the outside and the invisible self are all the things that we love and do to make us who we are!  We talked about our strengths and stretches or challenges and we talked a lot about having a GROWTH MINDSET!!  The art turned out really well!