Wednesday, April 22

Good morning Everyone.  What a great job we have been doing in our team chats and completing and handing in  work.
Raz kids, please see the sticky note I left on one of the books you are reading.  You should be starting a new book today.  All you do with that book is listen to it, read it, answer the questions.  You should not be reading more than one book every two days.  So you start one book on Monday, and another one on Wednesday
Print off the sheets under your team grade channel in FILES.  Use only your spelling words to complete the story.  There are two pages to the story
You will find the How I’m feeling worksheet in GENERAL under Assignments
Math:  Have fun Coding – be sure to finish the lesson completely before going on, I see that many of you have jumped all over the place

See you at our Read a loud today, at 10:30

3 thoughts on “Wednesday, April 22

    1. In the reading room click on the middle button that looks like a book under the last book you read. The book will open up in a new screen. When you see the cover the book you will see a sticky note at the top right hand corner either on the book cover or right beside it. Click on it and you will see my comments.

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