Wednesday – April 8

Happy Wednesday everyone.  The sun is shining and that is always something that triggers my emotions of happiness and gratitude. Just a few of those rays shining on my face will curl my lips into a smile that reaches from ear to ear. 
Today I am asking you to go to the links on the right and start your coding lessons.  I have sent you your secret words, or picture to login.  It will take you first to “unplugged activities”.  These activities talk about digital citizenship.  The computer is a very easy place to say and do things that you might not do if you were actually with someone.  We think we are all alone and no one can see.  But the truth is once it goes up on the internet, it is there for many to see.  I have always told my students to ask themselves one question:  “Would I say or do this if my mom or dad were with me?”  If the answer is YES go ahead, but if the answer is NO you need to stop, turn around, and take another plan of action.  I am very confident that the students in Div. 8 will begin creating a very positive “digital footprint” understanding the importance of making good decisions when they are online.
Parents I have a link below with some information about this coding program for you.  We view coding as part of the ADST (Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies) and also the math strand because of the logical and critical thinking required.
Code.Org Parent Information.

After you have finished coding, practice logging on to your blogfolio (you have that password now also) and then leave a comment on this post (not on your blogfolio on Wednesday, April 8) so I know you can log in.  After that  you can choose any of my previous activities or go to my symbaloo.  Don’t forget to be adding to your journal.

Whew, that was a long long post.  Have fun, looking forward to your comments!!!  Tomorrow I will have an Easter/Spring art project to help decorate your house for the long weekend.

Happy Learning

Mrs. Schwarz

18 thoughts on “Wednesday – April 8

  1. Hi!!! I really like the dance mat typeing game that you sent me.I,am still on stage 1 but it helped me out with my typing.thank you ms. schwarz.

  2. I was able to see my blogfolio.
    The coding puzzles are the best. I’m up to puzzle 4.
    My mum says the typing game still isn’t working for us.

  3. hi mrs. schwarz

    i was able to log on to my blog folio.

    i can’t wait to do art tomorrow.

    have a nice day,

    Nayam Walji

  4. hi ms. schwarz,
    i can see my blogfolio, i liked the photos from school.

    i started the coding lessons.

    from mabel

    1. Bravo Mabel, I’m so proud of you and happy to hear from you. Tomorrow there will be an art project!!!

  5. Hi Ms. Schwarzh,
    Alexis still couldn’t log in her blog folio with given UN and PW.

    Thank you,
    Cathy (Alexis’ Mom)

  6. Hi Ms. Schwarzh,
    I can log in with both Leonardo’s and our username into his blogfolio, thanks for setting up.
    Leonardo did the coding puzzles until Lesson 5, he got tired at the end cause was a bit challenging in general specially for the turns and when requires many steps, but he`s been enjoying so far.

    1. Super, this is just a start, there will be more coming. Please make sure you look at my blog post each school day as there are activities there also I would like them to do. I have picked them carefully. BTW it would be great if every student spent 10 minutes each day doing the typing lessons. On my Symbaloo right hand side, Dance Mat Typing

  7. Hi Ms.Shwarzh

    I am able to log in to my blogfolio, and
    Thanks so much!
    Have a nice day!
    P.S.Sorry I did not leave comments yesterday, I did not know where to leave them.


    1. Bravo Lovey!!! I am glad my screenshots were able to help. Have you gone to the Symbaloo? Have you done any Dance Mat Typing? Do you understand what previous activities mean now?
      You make sure you get out and enjoy some sunshine
      Mrs. Schwarz

  8. I actually haven’t yet figured out what exactly is the symbaloo, and where to find the dance mat tying or the previous activities.
    Could you tell me how to get there?


    1. Uliana, did you look at my email, I have pictures at the top of the email that shows where these things are. Perhaps you could ask your parents to look at it with you. The previous activities are on the posts I did for Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday and the last week. The symbaloo is under the links on the right hand side of the blog, maybe you need to scroll down. Dance Mat Typing is on the symbaloo on the right hand side

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