Ma grande famille – Journeys of Division 7

Ma grande famille

| Posted in Communication


As we continue to learn French vocabulary for talking about families, we are starting to learn the difference between words we use for our immediate family and words we use for our extended family. I am asking the class to practice using the vocabulary we have learned by creating an informal family tree or family circles (see below for an example of each) and they may need your help! They will be bringing a sheet home today where they will have to plan out who they will include on their family tree or circle.

I have told the students that it is THEIR CHOICE who they will include in this assignment. As we move through this unit we have continued to have the important conversation that all families look different and that we cannot question who others choose to include in their family. I also understand that asking to do an extensive and accurate family tree would be an impossible task for those with large extended families. I have told the class that if they can try to get 10-20 names on their family tree or circle, that will be sufficient for them to practice their vocabulary.

I have also told the class that if they are more comfortable choosing a famous family (like the Adams family!) to represent with this assignment, that is okay too. This option may require a bit of research in order to include the required 10-20 names.

If you have any questions about this assignment, do not hesitate to reach out. I hope you can enjoy learning a little bit about your family (en francais!) together with your child.

A Family Tree

A Family Circle

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