March 2021 – Journeys of Division 7

Month: March 2021

Welcome back after what I hope was a restful and rejuvenating spring break!

With our return to school came an important change to the COVID-19 safety precautions being taken at school. On March 29th the Provincial Health Officer announced that masks are now mandatory for all students in Grades 4-7 while at school. This is a change for our classroom where in the past, students had a choice about whether to wear a mask or not. The following situations are exceptions to the rule:

  • a person is unable to wear a mask because they do not tolerate it (for health or behavioural reasons)
  • a person is unable to put on or remove a mask without the assistance of another person
  • the mask is removed temporarily for the purposes of identifying the person wearing it
  • the mask is removed temporarily to engage in an educational activity that cannot be performed while wearing a mask (e.g. actively playing a wind instrument, high-intensity physical activity, etc.)
  • a person is eating or drinking
  • a person is behind a barrier
  • providing a service to a person with a disability or diverse ability (including but not limited to a hearing impairment), where visual cues, facial expressions and/or lip reading/movements are important

We have talked in our classroom about how this will be an adjustment for some of us and that we need to be kind and gentle with each other while we are getting used to this new way of being together. So far the students have done a great job of accepting this change.

Please make sure that your child is coming to school with a mask that fits snugly around their nose and mouth. I also recommend putting an extra mask in their backpack in case their mask gets dirty or lost during the day. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

Nature Art

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Yesterday Divisions 7 and 8 took advantage of the beautiful weather we have been having and walked to Wesburn Park. Before we left, we looked at artwork by Andy Goldsworthy, a British artist who uses items he finds in nature to create beautiful, temporary masterpieces. We worked in groups to create our own nature art. Anyone who is walking through the park in the next few days will be able to enjoy our creations. Check out our natural, temporary artwork below:

Our trip to the park was a wonderful reminder of how important it is to get outside and just play! In light of the new guidelines put forth by Dr. Bonnie Henry yesterday, I hope everyone will find some time to get out in nature over Spring Break.

Today was the last day of school before the break. School will resume on Monday, March 29th.

Have a wonderful break, everyone! Stay safe!

Dear Parents/Guardians of Division 7,

Your child will be bringing their March Progress Report home today. As this will be the first full progress report of the school year, I want to give you some information on its contents.

In the report you will see a term overview giving information on what was covered in each subject this term. Your child will receive a proficiency in each subject. There is information about the proficiency scale on the back of the report. There will also be written comments about your child’s strengths and areas they are working on. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s report, please email me or indicate that you would like to meet with me on the report card envelope.

Please sign the front of the report card envelope under “First Report” and send it back to school before Friday, March 12th. The envelope should be sent back empty, as its contents are for you to keep.

Take care,

Ms. Rudolph

Please see below for an important notice from Ms. Griffiths regarding the spring musical:

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I am pleased to announce that Intermediate students at Cascade Heights are taking part in a virtual musical, “Jukebox Time Machine”. The musical features an old-fashioned Jukebox that doubles as a time machine and transports the cast to different decades where they explore the popular culture of the era and perform a hit song. Each class will perform and be filmed in the gym separately from other classes, and all of the recordings will be compiled to make the musical. Students are working hard and getting excited for their performance. Division 7’s song “She Loves You” will be filmed on Tuesday, April 13th from 1:00- 1:41, and Friday April 16th from 9:36- 10:16. Please arrive in costume for these days.

For the song “She Loves You” we are asking students to work on creating a costume in the style of early 1960’s “Beatles” look. Here are some costuming suggestions.

  • Skinny black jeans/pants
  • Black dress shoes
  • White shirt
  • Skinny black tie – provided by school
  • Horn rimmed glasses

We hope that students can have some fun creating a costume from what they have around the house, or can borrow from their parents, friends, sibling, etc. Please don’t feel pressure to go out and buy brand new clothes. My sister and I are sewing a class set of ties, and we do have a bag of white t-shirts in the music room if anyone is in need. We are also collecting 3D glasses and punching out the colored lenses for those that need extra glasses to complete their look!

Thank you for your support in helping your child create a costume for their performance!

Elaine Griffiths
Music teacher @ Cascade Heights elementary school

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