Raz Kids

Raz-Kids is an online website that has many levelled-books. Just like EPIC!, Raz Kids usually requires a paid membership, but right now they are offering it for free use until June.
The difference between Raz Kids and EPIC! is that on Raz Kids, I am able to assign books that are at your child’s own reading level, and track their progress.
I have created a class and I ask that you sign up your child to complement our literacy program.
To sign up:
2)Type in the username: MsRamirez1221
3) Find your child’s name and select it
4) For the password, select the picture of the fish 
5) Once you’re logged in, find the “Parent” section in the top right-hand corner and sign up using your email address.
I will then get a request from you and approve your account.

I have created a little video to show you how to log in. You can access it here (password: Division16):