June Calendar

Here is our calendar for the month of June

Guiding Questions:
*Can you find today?
*What day was it yesterday?
*What day will it be tomorrow?
*Do you remember how many days are in one week?
*Are there any events a week from today?
*What day of the week will Father’s Day be?
*How many days until Father’s Day? / How many days ago was it Father’s Day?
*What day of the week will the first day of summer be?
*Can you find the last day of the month of June?
*How many days until Althea’s birthday/ How many days ago was it  Althea’s birthday?
*How many days until Madelyn’s birthday/ How many days ago was it  Madelyn’s birthday?
*How many days until Jayden’s birthday/ How many days ago was it  Jayden’s birthday?


May Calendar

Here is our calendar for the month of May

Guiding Questions:
*Can you find today?
*What day was it yesterday?
*What day will it be tomorrow?
*Do you remember how many days are in one week?
*Are there any events a week from today?
*What day of the week will Mother’s Day be?
*How many days until Mother’s Day? / How many days ago was it Mother’s Day?
*How many days until Armaan’s birthday/ How many days ago was it Armaan’s birthday?

April Calendar

Here is our Calendar for the Month of April!

*Can you find today?
*What day was it yesterday?
*What day will it be tomorrow?
*Are there any events a week from today?
*How many days until Easter Sunday? / How many days ago was it Easter Sunday?
*How many days until Ricky’s birthday/ How many days ago was it Ricky’s birthday?