
Over the past two weeks, students have been hard at work creating their blogfolios! The blogfolios can be accessed through the “blogfolios’ tab on this website. Families may access student work using their ID and PW that will be emailed out this weekend.

Students were asked to respond to the following questions when completing their work: 

  • What was the project?
  • What did you learn from completing this assignment? What skills did you develop?
  • What do you think you did really well?
  • What could you have improved if you were to revisit the assignment?

When viewing/commenting on student work, families should: 

  • Notice thought, capacities and growth.
  • Connect with your child’s opinions, stories or ideas.
  • Share your intellectual curiosity; wonder aloud.
  • Encourage
  • Co-conspire… “You are interested in spiders? Me too, here’s an interesting website I’m reading about spiders.”
  • I noticed you…
  • The part I found most interesting…
  • A few things you did really well here are…
  • One thing I’m seeing about your work is…

We are excited to begin documenting our learning journey and we encourage you to follow along with us! 🙂

Class Meetings

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to write a brief message of thanks to all of you for adapting to this new way of schooling and for being so flexible. This is a reminder that we will be having class meetings every Wednesday and Thursday. Please look at our Teams page to find your meeting time.

You all have done an incredible job of conducting yourselves online in a responsible and considerate manner. You should all be very proud! 🙂

Below are two documents which are important to read. 

  1. Video Conferencing Guidelines for Parents and Students
  2. How to Repair / Upgrade Office 365

Please let me know if you are feeling overwhelmed and would like to talk. I realize that our situations are constantly changing. I would be more than happy to chat or connect you with the appropriate resources.

Our First Week Online!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all have had a wonderful week and had a chance to go outside if only for a short time.

If any of you are feeling overwhelmed because of the current situation caused by COVID-19, please feel free to reach out to me and I can connect you to many of the supports the school district is providing. It is important for us all to first and foremost feel safe and be in good health. Below are some strategies and resources for managing anxiety during this challenging time. 

As you may have seen, we have begun dipping our toes into online learning. Please log in to your Teams account if you have not done so. There you will find a Shape of the Day (schedule) of what should be completed for each school day. The schedule is flexible as I realize many of us are balancing working from home, caring for our family members, etc. 

I have registered our class for Raz Kids which is an online reading program that allows students to read a variety of different books and helps to improve their reading comprehension. If you would like your child to use this program please let me know and I will email you their log in information. 


Decrease Corona Virus Worries – Anxiety Guide for Students (email me for a copy)

Mental Health Resources for Parents

Talking to Students About COVID-19

A Look Back

As I look back on this week, I am so thankful  to have been able to connect with most of our class families. I am so happy to know that you are safe, healthy and that several of you have even gotten back into a “school” routine. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you in the coming weeks. If you have not yet logged in to your Microsoft Teams account and completed the Welcome Back Survey, please do so as soon as possible. 

As our weekend begins, I’d like to share a few of my favourite memories from this year!  

Chat with you all soon!

<3 Ms. Ramen

Week At A Glance – March 31st to April 3rd

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to provide you all with some updates :). 

  • As previously mentioned, I will be contacting each of our class families by phone. I will be sending out an email by the end of today to all parents/guardians so that we can set up a time that would work best for you.


  • This week, all the students of Division 4 have been asked to complete a simple survey on our Microsoft Teams page. It is due by the end of the week. All students should know how to access this page. However, if you are encountering some difficulties, please feel free to reach out and email me at


  • The Burnaby School District has developed a website to help facilitate this transition into online learning. While we are in the process of setting things up, students can access this web resource to help them get back into a simple “school” routine. If you are interested in accessing this resource, please click here .

I realize that the unknown can be daunting and anxiety producing but I would like to let you all know that I am very grateful to you for your dedication and support. I hope we are all taking some time for self-care!

Looking forward to our chats,

<3 Ms. Ramen

Welcome Back !

Hello Division 4! 

I hope you all had an enjoyable Spring Break and found creative ways to spend your time at home. I spent a lot of my time reading the books I always buy but never have time to get to. I also began sketching and painting a variety of plants :). 

I understand that many of you have questions and/or concerns around what school will be like for the next few months. As of this moment, I do not have many answers but I know that we will get through this together week by week. This week, your teachers are trying to figure out ways for you to have the best learning experience possible. I will be checking in with each of you and your families in the coming days. Please remember to not only check our blog but our Microsoft Teams page as well as this is where the majority of our communication will take place. 

I know that most of you have questions about COVID-19 and managing our emotions during this time. I have found some interesting articles that provide a pretty good explanation. Feel free to discuss them with your parents/guardians or myself. 


Why everything is closing for coronavirus: it’s called “flattening the curve”

Why tough times can create better neighbours

Vaccines are like giving your body’s defenses a cheat sheet

Dealing with stress and strong emotions



Below are some links to help you navigate this week! I will also be updating this page as I get more information from the district. 

  1. Here is the latest update from our Superintendent: Update from Superintendent Gina Niccoli-Moen
  2. Updates on COVID-19 responses from the district and provincial government with translations: COVID-19 Updates
  3. If you are an essential service worker and require child care, please let the district know by filling out this form:  Burnaby School District Essential Service Workers Survey
  4. The school district is in the process of creating an online platform that students can use to supplement their learning at home. Please watch for updates here at: Burnaby School District Website
  5. An additional online resource from the provincial government to help support learning at home: Keep Learning


I miss you all very much but I am excited for our next adventure into online learning! I am having a lot of fun trying to create videos for you to use. I can’t wait to hear from all of you and know that you are safe!

Talk to you all soon,

<3 Ms. Ramen

Water Presentation By Green Bricks!

Today, we got the opportunity to learn about water and tested the water from other countries. We learned that other places in the world have to drill to get their water and that we use over 400 liters of water every day. We get our water from the Seymour water shed. We played trivia games and did a taste test of water from Yosemite. It was lots of fun! 

By: Euhan, Yobu, and Maddie

The Wild Robot: An Update

This week’s student update on our read aloud comes from Rustam:


Yay! We’ve started a new read aloud it’s called The Wild Robot.  I could talk about it all day but, one of my favorite 

parts is when the clumsy robot named Roz falls while climbing a tree but then lands on a family of geese!

They all pass away but one egg is luckily intact. So Roz takes the egg because she feels guilty for killing the baby 

egg’s family. 

Eventually the egg hatches and a baby goose comes out. Roz takes care of him. The book has tons of parts like that

and that’s why I love this book and if you like this book consider “joining” our class. We always have space ALWAYS. 

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to come down here.


Toys and Other Mysterious Items

Just a reminder to please leave all toys at home. We are intermediate students who are working towards developing time management, organization, and collaboration skills. If it is an item that you think will distract you from your independent work or will distract others in your group, please keep it at home. There will be plenty of chances for you to use them outside of school. 

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year to all of our families who are celebrating! We wish you good fortune and good health. If anyone would like to come in and speak to our class about the festivities taking place, please let me know :)! Div. 4, if you have any pictures or something you’d like to share with our class related to Chinese New Year, let me know as well. This will be a great way to supplement the research we have been doing on the lunar calendar.

Here is a quick link to an interesting article I found about what the year of the rat will mean for you. 

Chinese Zodiac Predictions