Rainy Days

Fall has arrived!  The weather can change from wind to rain to sun and back to rain again all on the same day!  Children will be going outside as much as possible for some fresh air and to release some sillies.  It is important for students and families to understand that this is our  “West Coast weather.”  Please help remind your child to dress for the weather – umbrellas, boots and a warm coat!  See school mail sent home today.

Establishing Routines

During September we were familarizing ourselves with the routines of the week.  We continue to practice working together while keeping in mind ‘The Big 3’ – safe, kind, fair and positive, supportive behaviour choices.  Our class has now been introduced to spelling routines, gym and library book exchanges.  Your child will be able to take out up to 3 books from the library.  However, this year our library time will not be booked on a weekly basis. Children are being encouraged to read for 15-20 each night.  When a book is completed, students should then request to return or exchange library books as needed during the daily “Open Book Times” schedules (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs).