Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

Month: January 2021

Burnaby Family Life Winter Parenting Programs

Anita Olson <aolson@fsgv.ca>

January 20, 2021

Good Afternoon!

v  Burnaby Family Life is offering amazing parenting groups (see below) – don’t worry, you can still register even though some have started! For more information and how to register, check out the attachment or click here.

o   Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program:  TUESDAYS, 12:30-2:30 P.M. | JAN 19 – MAR 9 (8 SESSIONS)

o   Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program  FRIDAYS, 12:30-2:30 P.M. | JAN 15 – MAR 5 (8 SESSIONS)

o   Support Group for LGBTQ2SIA+ Parents : WEDNESDAYS, 7-9 P.M. | JAN 13 – MAR 3 (8 SESSIONS)

o   Parenting for Immigrants: THURSDAYS, 12:30-2:30 P.M. | JAN 21 – MAR 11 (8 SESSIONS)

v  Here’s some helpful parenting information –  When the arrival of the second baby enters your family, your older child will need reassurance they are still your special little one – give them lots of affection, listen and empathize their full range of emotions. Children aren’t the best verbal communicators when it comes to feelings but they are really good a letting us know something is bothering them through their behaviour. Many children regress in their behaviour when the new baby comes, many children will want to be babied too. Meet them wherever they are at and know that it’s just a blip during this massive transition of becoming a bigger family and an older sibling.

v  The Power of Play – Book a Wednesday morning one-on-one play session with me, Anita – Enjoy a private play space with your little one as I coach and model child-led play, establishing healthy boundaries, turn taking and so much more with parents/caregivers and their child. Call/text or email, 604-723-9548 or email aolson@fsgv.ca to see availability.

Enjoy the rest of this light grey Wednesday!


Anita Olson (she/her) ECE, BA, MEd

Early Childhood Community Consultant

T 604 525 9144

M 604 723 9548

3rd Floor – 321 Sixth Street, New Westminster BC V3L 3A7

BFL Winter Programs 2021

More Great info from Anita!

January 18, 2021

Good Sunny Morning!

v  The Primary Care Network has launched a campaign to help fight social isolation in a simple, and yet impactful way – by saying “hello”.  Just because we are staying 6 feet apart and wearing a mask doesn’t mean we can’t say, hello. You can follow along on Instagram adding your own greeting using the hashtag #SayHelloBurnaby and following @SayHelloBurnaby. There is a virtual gala on January 28th at 7pm to raise funds and awareness of the Say Hello Burnaby campaign. For more information on this clever campaign, check out Say Hello Burnaby | Home.

v  I read an interesting article this morning in Halifax Today outlining some really helpful strategies on how to personally navigate the pandemic. You can read the full article here, but to start you off, here’s a couple offerings:

1.       Stay socially connected with people you care about and love. Phone calls, texts, FaceTime, skype and even snail mail can keep our social connections in tack helping us feel together.

2.       Establish and maintain a sense of agency – getting into a routine is a powerful way to accomplish this!

v  The Power of Play – Book a Wednesday morning one-on-one play session with me, Anita – Enjoy a private play space with your little one as I coach and model child-led play, establishing healthy boundaries, turn taking and so much more with parents/caregivers and their child. Call/text or email, 604-723-9548 or email aolson@fsgv.ca to see availability.


Have a lovely sunny Monday!



Anita Olson (she/her) ECE, BA, MEd

Early Childhood Community Consultant

T 604 525 9144

M 604 723 9548

3rd Floor – 321 Sixth Street, New Westminster BC V3L 3A7


A message from Anita


January 14, 2021

Good Morning!

v  So, it’s too dark to play outside after dinner but your kiddo’s energy is high and bedtime isn’t for another hour, what do you do? Here’s a simple game called, Night-time Safari, that is perfect for this moment. All you need are toy animals (stuffies work well) and a flashlight. Parents hide the stuffies in the living room, turn off the lights and have your little one find all the animals using the flashlight! For more information about the safari, check out it out here!

v  Self-care is such an important routine to maintain. Pausing for a moment to nourish yourself not only benefits you but also the people around you. There are so many different ways to nourish yourself and what feels nourishing to me may not feel nourishing to you – it’s personal. Check out this Virtual Calming Room put out by Sacramento School District for some great self-care ideas. From puzzles, colouring activities, yoga, guided meditations and even live animal cameras – there’s something in this room for everyone to find a moment of calm to relax in.

v  If you are interested in a free one-on-one consultation about your child’s development, behavior, parenting tips, tricks and education please email or call me, Anita, to set up either a virtual appointment or a socially distanced visit in the community.

aolson@fsgv.ca 604-723-9548

Happy Thursday!


Anita Olson (she/her) ECE, BA, MEd

Early Childhood Community Consultant

T 604 525 9144

M 604 723 9548

3rd Floor – 321 Sixth Street, New Westminster BC V3L 3A7


The Little Hummingbird

Hi Everyone,

So happy to be back!

This is my favourite story at the moment.

It teaches about persistence and thoughtfulness.

To build confidence and problem solving skills within our Children,

It is important that we give them the time and opportunities

to think and do for themselves with our constant support and

encouragement that they can do anything. No matter how big

or small all efforts will strengthen their sense of self.

Whether it is helping set the table  or make  their bed, pick out the

clothes they would like to wear these are all so important for them

to feel and be in control of themselves, happy capable human beings.

I hope you enjoy the book and songs as much as I did making them

for you!!!

Truly Ms. Trish ( loads of Love sprinkles to you ALL)




Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Welcome 2021,

I Truly wish you all a Wonderful New year,

Full of Great Health and  Much Happiness!!!

I am a little slow getting into the swing of

things this New Year. I have spent some time

in Morley pre-school helping one of our Friends

get comfortable with the environment and routine.

I will be posting the first story time blog of 2021


Morley Strongstart will be back in Edmonds Park

Monday January 18th and Wednesday the 20th

9:30 – 11:00 for all Registered Students.

On going throughout the winter.

I will send a e-mail out today as you must sign up

for each session. We are allowed 4 Families per session only!

Truly Looking forward to meeting up with My Friends Soon!

Take Great Care, Be Safe and Be Calm

Love Ms. Trish


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