Gentle sensory stimulation a Child receives through their sense organs (ears,eyes,nose,tongue,skin and muscle joints) allows a Child’s brain to connect to sensory organs.

Production of these pathways from brain to organs is intensive in the first three years of a Child’s life, particularly in utero(Mom’s belly) and during the first year of life.

Please join me With your Child on your lap so you can gently touch them as we tickle play together!!!

Here are three videos, Please join me with your Child and have some tickle Fun!

Round and Round the Garden Like a Teddy Bear. One step, two steps tickle you under there.

Slowly slowly oh so slowly creeps the garden snail, slowly slowly oh so slowly up the garden rail, quickly,quickly very quickly runs the the little mouse, quickly quickly into his little house.

Round and round the haystack runs the little mouse, one step two steps tickle you under there.