The Summer My Father Was Ten

The Summer My Father Was Ten

All of us have had times when we’ve done something that we later regretted. Write about a time when you got caught up in a moment and did something without thinking about the consequences. Describe how you were feeling throughout the action. In what ways did you learn from the experience?

10 Replies to “The Summer My Father Was Ten”

  1. I love the story because in this story Mr. Bellavista plants a garden but then the kids destroy it. Not just that, something made the destroying worse. The kids were having a food fight. The next time they planted a garden, instead they made spaghetti sauce and then at the end unfortunately, Mr.Bellavista passed away. I felt sad at the end because of the passing away of Mr.Bellavista.

  2. One time I lied to my parents about not doing my homework. I was really nervous and worried they would notice. But sooner or later they found out.They got really disappointed and shocked that I would do that. I felt really guilty about not doing my homework. They said education before electronics, so I had to promise them I wouldn’t do it again.

  3. When the boys mess up Mr.B garden it was really mean,and it was really sad when the boys didn’t help Mr.B clean up the mess and he didn’t say sorry until the next year . It was kind of the boy to help mr.b to make a good garden and Mr.B and the boy were really good friends . It was sad when Mr.B pass a way but the garden was still up, I wonder if the garden will sill pass on to other people so maybe the garden will be the apartments garden and they can get food and flowers from it.

  4. I also don’t know why the dads friends forgot all about the food fight in Mr.Bs garden. How could you forget something like that .I wouldn’t.

  5. I think in the story, what is going to happen next is the parents will not allow food fights anymore as this will ruin the garden and the apartment itself.

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