

Can looking at certain situations from another perspective change your thinking and your actions? Is it important to try to ‘see’ another person’s point of view when handling conflict? What does it mean to be open-minded?

4 Replies to “Perspective”

  1. It would be a boring world if everyone saw the same way.The gift that humanity has is that everybody is unique.It would be a plain world if everyone saw the same way.Enjoy life in your own way look at things in a new perspective.Be open-minded and always ask questions and try to anwser them.Your life will become way more exciting and you will be able to handle situations easier.So,take your time and enjoy the tiny things that we have in this unique community.

    1. In addition also try to sometimes other peoples perspective.It will make you more friends and halp you solve situations in many ways and even PREVENT them from happening.

  2. Seeing something from a different perspective means seeing things differently from others. When we make inferences we look at a picture or situation and guess what is happening. Some people will look at a picture and see something completely different from some one else, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong. Everyone has different thinking. Being open minded means to try to see or do something new. When you are in a bad situation try to think positively. Instead of my glass of water is half empty how about my glass is half full?

  3. Seeing things from a different perspective makes life interesting. Without looking at a different perspective, life would just be boring. You should always look at things from a different perspective because maybe you see something one way and someone sees it as something else. For example, a lot of people see clouds differently. Being open-minded means to look at things at different perspectives.

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