New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

What are your goals for the New Year? What can you do to make someone’s life awesome this year?

3 Replies to “New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. I love the video!I have 3 New Years Resolutions.This year my first goal is to bring my play in sports higher.By that I mean I want to be in the top 16 in tennis in all B.C and make it into the rep teams in hockey.This is a really hard resolution because but I think if I try my best I will be able to accomplish it.Last year my goal was to get in the top 50 and go in a higher level of hockey play and I did them both.So I have confidence I can do it too.My second resolution is too decrease my screen time on consoles,ipad,ipod and computers to 1 hour.I usually play 1 and a half hour and it affects me getting to other places in time.If I can do this I can save so much more time doing other things that can help me achieve other goals.I also already have glasses and don’t want to make my prescription for my glasses higher.Because if u play sports having glasses is not so good.Luckily my number is only 0.4 so I can play sports without them.I don’t wanna make it higher so I will not be able to play at all.My last New Years resolution is to not get toooooooo competitive in sports,because sometimes I go over the limits and may emotionally or physically hurt someone.I will try my best to fulfill these goals.What is your New Year Resolution!

  2. I didn’t know that your resolutions can affect other peoples emotions
    I thought it would only help yourself man I was wrong! I wonder if it can get people into trouble?

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