Hello Division 9! I hope you had a wonderful weekend with the extra day off to enjoy for the Professional Day! Today a few students are at school in our classroom with Mr. Smith. Others are at home continuing with your remote learning. We will continue to have a class blog every day with activities for everyone in Division 9 and class Zoom meetings a couple times per week. Please see your email for new meeting times and IDs.



  • Have you noticed the painted rocks out an about on walking trails and around the city? People have painted them with pictures and words to cheer up and encourage people during this challenging time.
  • Think about a message that you would like to put on a “Giving Back” Rock.
  • Use the My Giving Back Rock sheet to plan & design your own rock. Do the writing on the bottom of the sheet. Be sure to colour your rock and design too!
  • OPTIONAL extension is to actually find, paint and put a real Giving Back Rock somewhere in the community. If you aren’t able to do this extension, please write where you would put it, if you could.

ASSIGNMENT #2 – MATH Email to me

Grade 2 students will begin a unit on using Mental Math strategies to solve addition and subtraction equations.

Today’s lesson is about the number facts that make 10. Memorizing your facts to 10 is very helpful for easily solving +/-equations with larger numbers as you can group the 10 first then solve the rest of the equation. This is a good time to practice and review your number facts!

Making 10 Worksheet 1 and Making 10s Worksheet 2

Grade 3 students will begin a unit on Multiplication and Division today. Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of multiplication and division and how they are related. Memorization of facts is not intended. Grade 2 students usually love to learn about multiplication as well so they are welcome, as always, to also do the Grade 2 worksheets however I won’t be evaluating their learning on this topic.

Today’s lesson is about arrays. An array is an arrangement of a certain number of rows with a number of dots in each row.

For example 2 x 3 is represented as two rows of 3 dots each.

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Multiplication Arrays Worksheet 1 and Multiplication Arrays Worksheet 2


Choose a new Go Noodle that you have never done before and write it in the comments.