Terry Fox Run

Welcome to Division 12’s class blog! Our first month of school has flown by, and our new kindergartners have settled nicely into their routines.

Last week, we participated in the school Terry Fox Run! After our virtual Terry Fox school assembly, we did some stretching, and then went outside to run some laps on our field.

Thanks to students, families, and friends for supporting our Terry Fox fundraising efforts this year. It was a fun day!

Terry Fox Run & Orange Shirt Day

September 29th was our school’s Terry Fox Run, as well as Orange Shirt Day.  Ms. Price, our Aboriginal Resource Teacher, visited our classroom to tell us the story about Phyllis’ experience at a residential school.

Having Orange Shirt Day on the same day as the Terry Fox Run was a good opportunity to talk about Terry Fox’s Métis ancestry.  Thank you Parents for your donations to the Terry Fox Foundation.  As a school, we surpassed our goal and raised…

More photos from the run:

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