Story Workshop- Pumpkin Patch


Story workshop allows learners to explore, create and connect their ideas through play. A variety of materials like loose parts, paint, playdough or blocks can be used to help children develop their ideas.

This week, we used loose parts to retell our pumpkin patch field trip with a friend.  Look at the story with your child and ask them to tell you more about it! Enjoy their pumpkin patch stories!








Pumpkin Patch


We had an amazing experience visiting the Aldor Acres Pumpkin Patch in Langley!  It was a wet day, but that didn’t stop us from having fun!  For some of the students, it was their very first pumpkin patch experience.

We hopped onto a tractor-pulled wagon and headed over to the field to pick our pumpkins to take home!

The children were so excited to see and touch the animals. We saw so many – sheep, horses, piglets, chicks, bunnies, goats, llamas, donkeys, chickens, puppies, a giant cow and more!

At the end of the school day, we had a sharing circle and each student shared their favorite part of the trip!

Here are a few things that were said:

“I love playing in the hay pile!”

“I liked looking for my pumpkin!”

“Big Bob the cow was so big!”

“petting the rabbits!”

“the bus ride”

“petting the pigs and puppies”

If you ask your child to tell you what their favourite moment was, feel free to share their answer in the comments!

A big Thank You to our parent volunteers who were able to come and supervise groups of students. Thank you for helping out! Also, thanks to Ms. Gourlay for organizing and booking this trip!

Happy Thanksgiving

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Division 11 is so thankful for many things! We brainstormed what we are thankful for and then we created our own thankful mobile.  Here is what we are thankful for this Thanksgiving:

Kaede: “My friends, my bike and my family”

Eden: “My home”

Jack: “Waves and mountains, my family and my friends”

Felipe: “My family”

Anna: “My family and my bike”

Arydan: “My dad, my family and I can draw circles”

Yeona: “Ice cream, heart and food”

Brooklyn: “My family, my house and my friends”

Aubree: “My family and my heart”

Melody: “My bike, my home and my friends”

Chloe: “My family, dad, mom and grandpa”

Olivianne: “My friends, daddy and I’m a queen”

Greyson: “My family, trees and chocolate”

Hera: “My family, my friends and my sister”

Myles: “My scooter and my family”

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!