Beecher Park Fun

Thank you to our PAC parents for organizing Parkcrest Fun Day on Wednesday!

The sun came out and we enjoyed a beautiful walk through the luscious forest of the Andrew-Leong Green trail. Students saw salmonberries, many plants and wildflowers, and walked along the creek.

At Beecher Park, there was lots of time to play and relax!


Barnet Marine Park

It was a beautiful day at Barnet Marine Park and all the kids had so much fun!  In the classroom, we have been learning about a few ocean animals (sea star, jellyfish, shark, orca whale), so this field trip was a great opportunity for them to explore more about marine life in our local environment.  What a great experience to see so many sea stars (starfish) under the dock and flipping rocks to look for crabs!

Thank you to all parents who volunteered to drive and supervise students, and families who came to join us!  We hope you all had a great time at the beach!

Jump Rope for Heart event

In early May, our grade 6 & 7 leadership students led a variety of Jump Rope activities.

We had a lot of fun trying out different types of jumps and tricks with our skipping ropes during our division Jump Event date. For many kindergartners, this was their first time attempting to jump rope. We set small goals for ourselves, and when the skipping was too difficult, it was okay to do some simple jumps. We also set our team goal of having fun, safe exercise, and jumping for healthy hearts!

The goal was to fundraise for Jump Rope for Heart, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Thank you to parents and the community for your donations! We have met our school goal and we will soon get a double recess!


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