Jump Rope for Heart

We had a fun week learning how to jump rope!  Students had fun learning a variety of skipping activities.  Some grade 6 and 7 students came into our gym classes and helped to teach some of the skipping stations.  We played some skipping games, jumped over ropes (e.g. Snakey Snakey), skipped while hopping on one foot, and some of the students worked on criss-crossing their ropes!  Many students found skipping difficult and it took some perseverance and determination before they were able to skip.  We now have a few very talented skippers in our class!

Thank you to all those who donated and helped to get donations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

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Yoga for Health and Well-Being

For most kids, this was their first exposure to yoga.  Our instructor, Michelle, focused on breathing exercises and a variety of stretches/poses (E.g. cat, cow, warrior).  Yoga helps kids with focus/concentration, and boosts self-esteem.  Learning about proper breathing techniques can help with tackling anxiety.  I also liked that gratitude seems to be another key focus in the practice of yoga.  And of course, the children get to experience play without the worry of making mistakes.

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