Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dollars with Sense


For Career Education this term, we will have a few in-class workshops on financial literacy. There will be informative videos and collaborative group activities in these sessions. This will occur sometime in February. 



This is a reminder to bring your portfolio home in the next week to show your parents what you have been working on in school! When viewing the portfolio, be sure to check the Schoolwork blog page too.


Schoolwork page!

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing winter break.

This term, we have created a blog page, “Schoolwork.” We will post assignment and project due dates.  We will no longer be sending home Overdue work reminders, as this blog page will be updated regularly and you will be able to check in with your child at your convenience. Please discuss the importance of completing school assignments on time so there are no surprises during reporting. 

Thank you for your continued support!

Mme Bianca & Mme Panagiotou

Gingerbread structure challenge

Gingerbread structure challenge is this Thursday, December 19.

Please don’t forget to bring in your ingredients. All team members are responsible for bringing in their own supplies and ingredients. 



Secret Santa (optional)

Many students have expressed an interest in a Secret Santa exchange. Here is what we discussed: 

-Friday, December 20

-Participation is optional 

-$5-$10 gift (general gift for anyone)

-Gratitude note 

-Positive comments only after gift opening! 

Toy Drive


We are collecting new toys to support BC Children’s Hospital toy drive!

When: December 5 – December 12

Drop off: Mme Bianca’s classroom (Room 9)

Please see the notice that went home about this fundraiser!


Internet Safety Presentation

Hi everyone!

There will be an Internet Safety Presentation this Friday, December 6 from 9:30 – 10:30. Thank you to Mr. Mah for volunteering in our classroom to speak to us on this topic. 

Mme Bianca & Mme Panagiotou

French Short Story

Students have begun writing a creative writing piece as part of their French Lanugage Arts curriculum.

This is the criteria:

-Use of 5W strategy (Who, What, Where, When and Why)
-Setting (Where, description in beginning to set the tone)
-Introductory hook (Begin with a statement, a fact, a quotation, or something else that is interesting to the reader)
-Character development (characteristics are embedded throughout the story to get a sense of the characters)
-Beginning, Middle and End is logical and well-developed and logical
-Edit for French grammar and spelling using Bescherelle and/or online tool, “bonpatron”

DUE: November 21

Upcoming important dates!

Please be sure to note these dates in your calendars:

November 11- Remembrance Day (no school)
November 20- SFU Workshop- FREE! (form going home Nov 12) We will be taking public transit.
November 22- Professional Development Day (no school)
November 26- Ringette field trip day! FREE!
November 27- Early dismissal and student leds!
November 28- Early dismissal and student leds!
November 29- Young People’s Concert
December 2-13- Toy Drive for BC Children’s Hospital
December 6- Report cards go home. Celebrate your child’s accomplishments!
December 13- Business Fair! Handmade items will be sold $1-$3

Science project: Part 1 due Friday!

Hello everyone!

This is a friendly reminder that the first part of your science (ecosystem) project is due this Friday, November 8. Your “oral presentation” simply means you will tell the class what inquiry question you explored. We will then do a class walk, where you will have the opportunity to ask your classmates questions about their poster project!

I am looking forward to seeing your finished products!

Mme Bianca