Category Archives: Uncategorized

Implementation Week!

This week, you should have all received your Weekly Plan! It contains activities for you to do in French, English and Math, which is our main focus. We also encourage you to explore the library page and Ms. Heard’s blog as they will be posting work for you to do on their sites as well. Please let us know if you have any questions! Today’s first virtual meeting went well!


Hey everyone!

We hope everyone is well, keeping busy at home, and continuing to smile! I have been exploring SEVERAL learning resources and have bookmarked them all for my reference. I will be uploading the ones I choose to have you explore in the next little while. I am beginning to add some on the blog. You will see an assortment of pages for cool websites to explore to help grasp skills, such as Khan Academy and Math Antics that I will be linking for you to use and explore to go over any math concepts you may need extra help with, and many more cool extension activities!

We had our second virtual staff meeting today and we will have another one tomorrow afternoon. One thing that was mentioned is for staff to possibly establish office hours so you all know when we are available. Since this is a new way of learning, much guidance will come from your parents at home. We all have different family circumstances too at this time: some families have shared technology at home, others have their own devices, and availability is different for everyone involved: parents, students and teachers. It’s important to take is slow, not stress, as your health is the very first priority as we navigate this new way of life.

Today, I also disabled the student chat feature from the General team channel, as it will only be used for teachers to post information. Alternatively, I created a Freetown French Chat where I would like you to practice your French writing skills with your classmates. I also created a Question Hub, which is to specifically ask questions about assignments to your classmates and/or to your teachers. If you want a teacher to directly see your question, please ensure you type the @ symbol in front of their name and your question will be answered at our next available time.

Finally, you will see that I posted a survey for Battle of the Books. Please try to complete this survey before the end of the week. It will give us an idea of who may need supplementary reading material that we can provide you online.

Thanks again and keep being you!!!


What should you be doing?

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is healthy and spending good quality time at home with your family. We are reaching out again to remind you to explore the learning websites that were shared for all students in the district. We have been directed to share that with all of you! That’s what you should be exploring. There are several age appropriate activities on there for everyone. Work at your own pace! If you can do one activity a day, great job! If you can do two a day, go for it! It is totally up to you. All families are in different situations. We respect that as a district. Another thing we’d like everyone to do is log into their Teams classroom and complete both assignments posted and then learn to upload and post it back to us for marking. If you know how to do this, next week will not be as challenging when you receive our weekly plan.

We miss you!


Merci tout le monde!

Shape of the Week

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well and that you are looking forward to our e-learning together very soon. I hope you were able to see my last blog post and read our school principal’s last email update!

As the superintendent indicated on her last communication to all families and teachers, this week school staff will be meeting virtually for our first official staff meeting after Spring Break. We will be discussing what learning will look like in the coming weeks. After our virtual staff meeting, teachers will be reaching out and connecting with students and families.

At this time, I encourage all students to explore the web resources on the Continuing Learning Website. Please check out my blog page (above), named “Continuity of Learning,” as I have listed the direct links for you right on the page! I encourage you to continue to read daily and do some of the activities on the Continuity of Learning websites this week.

Additionally, please sign into your Office 365 account and select the ‘Teams’ application! I will be using Teams to send assignments to you and connect with you virtually. Think of it as our Virtual Classroom!

Happy Exploring!


Thinking of you!

Dear students and families of Division 2,

We miss you tremendously. We hope everyone is safe and taking very good care of themselves and their families during this unprecedented time.  Although in-class instruction has been suspended, there will be a continuity of learning for all students. Our principal, Ms. Hartman, recently sent all families an email update. Please check it out! She will be sending updates as information becomes available.

During the week of March 30, you will be able to find details on our district website ( about access to the newly created Continuing Learning website. It will contain activities for students at home. The district will send families links to access the new learning website soon.

All teachers will have a virtual staff meeting this Wednesday and further information will be forthcoming as we receive it. Please check our class blog, as I will update it regularly! After our staff meeting, teachers will be calling all students/families between Wednesday-Friday this week. We will be checking in to see how everyone is doing and ask you questions that will help us facilitate our virtual learning journey together. We are looking forward to touch base with everyone!

While COVID-19 has changed how we all interact with one another, it will not take away the connection and relationships we have with each other! Our class is set up with Office 365 already and in the next phase of our learning together, students will access Microsoft Teams on Office 365. This is where we will be posting lessons and activities for students to do at home. We will also have virtual class meetings together.

Thank you for being an amazing and supportive group of students and parents. This next Chapter may look very different, but we will continue to look out for one another, learn together and stay connected. We hope to provide a sense of normalcy and routine to keep students engaged in their education.

Stay safe,

Mme Bianca & Mme Panagiotou


Track Cancelled

I’m sorry, but Track has been cancelled until further notice.

Cancellation: April 2 Track Meet


We have just found out that the first grade 6/7 track meeting back from the break, on April 2, has been cancelled. We will inform you if any future meets will be cancelled as soon as we hear from the board. Thank you!

Mme Bianca

TRACK 2020

Hi everyone!


Track season has begun and forms have been distributed to all interested students! 

Please note a typo: The second practice meet should read “April 14, 2020” 

First practice will be the first Monday back from Spring Break: Monday, March 30

Permission forms are due this Thursday in Mme Bianca’s mailbox.





By now, you would have received a few emails from Aubrey Communications regarding our school-wide Seymour trip! Students are super excited about Seymour! Please note that Ms. Heard (Music Teacher) will be supervising/accompanying our class as I will be at the school supervising students who are not attending the trip. 

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Mme Bianca 



This is a friendly reminder that if you did not show your parents your portfolio (binder of work) last week, that you should do so over the weekend! The next portfolio viewing will take place end of February. 

