Meet the Teacher Summary

Thank you to everyone who attended our Meet the Teacher on Thursday afternoon. If you were not able to make it, no worries! I am posting a summary below:

French Immersion
-We hope students will continue with the French Immersion program
-Students will be working with a variety of teachers this school year for high school preparation (more was explained on our September newsletter- Please let us know if your child did not give this to you yet!)

Classroom Expectations
-Enter quietly in the morning, after recess and after lunch
-We expect students to do their best so they can reach their full potential
-We value that this is a team effort between the student, parents and teachers
-Students have been using “lockers” and sharing with a locker buddy
-Agendas: We encourage students to write in their agendas after each block instead of at the end of the day, as this is the routine they will need to get used to in high school. No agenda signing to promote responsibility and independence.
-Let us know if your child is struggling with the agenda and if they need further support with a different organizational system. The agenda is not for everyone!
-Overdue work: Parents will receive a general email the week that an assignment is due. It is expected to come soon after receiving the email.

Classroom blog
-Please keep up to date by checking the class blog regularly!

Monthly emails
-We will email families 2-3 times a term to inform families about what we are learning in the classroom
-Office 365 will be used with all students (a yellow form went home 2 weeks ago)

Posted on September 27, 2019, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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