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Welcome Back, Maywood!

I’m so excited to welcome you back to Maywood and I’m looking forward to meeting those of you new to Maywood!

I hope that you all had a wonderful summer spending time with your friends and family and exploring the beautiful places of British Columbia and beyond!

I’m excited to jump into a new school year with you!

Updates & Grade 7 Leaving Ceremonies

We have postponed the Grade 7 leaving ceremonies until Tuesday, June 29th.

ALL students (including Grade 6’s) are required to attend school on Tuesday, June 29th in order to be present for the Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony as well to pick up all of their belongings/Learning Logs & Report Cards.

The new schedule for Tuesday will be:

Division 3 and at Home Learners: 8:55-9:25am     (arrival at school is 8:50am by modular doors)

Division 1 & 2: 9:30-10:00am  (arrival at 9:10am)

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me or Ms. Yamamoto.

School closures this Monday

Dear families,

I’ve received the following  message from Gina Niccoli-Moen, Burnaby’s Superintendent.

Due to extreme weather, all schools in the Burnaby School District will be closed for instruction for students on Monday June 28. Environment Canada is warning that record-breaking temperatures are resulting in a dangerous long-duration heat wave that will last through Monday.

The decision to close was made after careful consideration. Unfortunately, our Grades 7  leaving ceremonies will be impacted by this. When I know more I will let you know if we plan to reschedule.

Environment Canada and health authorities are warning British Columbians that this record-breaking heat event will increase the potential for heat-related illnesses. Little relief is expected at night with elevated overnight temperatures.

We will continue to monitor the situation for Tuesday and ask that you check the District’s website at

In the meantime, please take care of yourselves! And stay cool cats! 😎

The Social Dilemma

Dear families:

Divisions 1 and 2 watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix today. Please ask your child about the movie, what it was about and what were some the things they learned from it.

We highly recommend watching it with your family. This movie generated much discussion in both divisions; we feel it would be a good idea to revisit some of the ideas and discuss them as a family. It is such an important topic! Here is a link to the movie.

Here is some WORDART generated from some words I recorded while we were watching the show. I would recommend asking what these phrases and words mean in relation to the movie.


Year-End Reminders!

Well, folks, it’s that time of year! It came so fast, I can barely believe we only have 7 days of classes left! Here’s what’s happening:

  • Friday, June 18th – early dismissal. Div. 1 leaves at 2:15
  • Monday, June 21 – Friday, Jun 25th NATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES WEEK
  • Monday, June 21st – a special guest will be joining us to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, Honourable Melanie Mark HLI HAYKWHL ẂII XSGAAK – MLA, Vancouver-Mt. Pleasant, Minister of Tourism, Sport, Art & Culture.
  • Tuesday, June 22ndDivisions 1 & 2 go to Central Park to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples week
  • Friday, June 25th – Division 1 watches Social Dilemma. (Please be sure to send in permission forms by Monday, June 21st)
  • Friday, June 25th – early dismissal 2:15pm
  • Monday, June 28th – Last full day of class. Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony @ 2:30 pm
  • Tuesday, June 29th – Students come for 1 hr only (9:10-10:10) – Summer holiday begins!
  • Wednesday, June 30th – Admin day for teachers.
  • Thursday, July 1 – Schools closed (Canada Day)

More about Melanie Mark

Her bio and website links here:


Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony

Although we cannot bring everyone together to recognize the Grade 7s as a group, we have planned smaller class ceremonies on Monday, June 28th.  The Grade 7s in each class will be recognized by their teacher with a certificate and a photo opportunity.  We will email you a photo of your child on this special day as a keepsake. Unfortunately, we can only have their classmates in the audience for these ceremonies. Parents will not be able to attend.   Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Monday, June 28th
1:00pm  Division 3 and At Home Learners
1:45pm  Division 2
2:30pm  Division 1

Interested in joining BAND next year?

Link to joint band here

Here’s a message from Mr. Denroche (Band teacher)

Dear students (and parents/guardians),

This link will take you to the Form to fill in if you think (or are sure!) you want to be in next year’s band class.  I have yet to receive many Forms from my Maywood students and thought I’d resend this in case that makes it easier to hear from you.

Even though we won’t choose who plays what instrument until September, the information you give me on this Form lets me know who is interested in playing what instrument.  If you’re not sure what you’d like to play, there is room to tell me that as well and I have a very good track record of picking an instrument for you to play that you will enjoy.

Parents/guardians: please note there is space on this Form to tell me if you require financial support in order for your child to take band.  I love teaching in Burnaby because grade 7 band is available to everyone!

Finally, if for some reason you don’t want to be in band, please fill in the Form and say No so that I know I have reached everyone.

I look forward to being your band teacher next year,
Mr. Denroche

Burnaby South opening up their HONOURS 8 classes!

Hello Grade 7 Families:

Burnaby South Secondary has recently decided to offer Grade 8 Honours classes in the subject areas of Math, Science, English and Social Studies for the upcoming school year.

All of our Grade 7 students/families who chose one of our Honours Classes have already been sent an email regarding this testing information.  If you applied for any Honours Courses for September, to please check your email about this Honours testing information.

It is important for students to know that they will ONLY be able to write those Honours Assessments that they originally applied for in February & will be unable to write additional Honours Assessments if they were not on their original requests.

Due to the limited spaces in their Honours courses, students will be doing an assessment to determine placement into these courses for September 2021. 

With covid-19 restrictions in place, all students will be doing an ONLINE assessment at HOME.  Students will be using their Burnaby School District Microsoft Teams account to login and complete the assessment(s).

Students will be required to complete a practice online assessment between Friday June 4 and Sunday June 6 before being allowed to participate in the actual assessment(s).  The date and time of the actual online assessments are listed below:

ScienceMonday June 7 at 7:00 pm

Math: Monday June 7 at 7:30 pm

English: Tuesday June 8 at 7:00 pm

Socials: Tuesday June 8 at 7:30 pm

More information about the Grade 8 Honours entrance assessments and a digital testing guide that walks you through the process can be found in the following documents.

Gr 8 honours information 2021  and Gr 8 honours testing guide 2021

May Updates

Next week, Divisions 1 & 2 have a Unit Test in  Science (Geologic Time Scale). Students have been given a study guide and were given an extra day in class to review materials. They should be reviewing their PowerPoint notes, lab questions and other worksheets. I also suggest students review updates made on the Science page in Lanaway’s Lounge. There are definitions, video links and other information that would be helpful to review.

  • May 10thLearn2Ride. Students bring their bikes, helmets and locks to school to participate in the bike safety program offered by HUB.
  • May 17/19Science Test for Div. 2 + 1 (respectively)
  • May 21stForest Friday for Div. 1. Dress for the weather, we go rain or shine!
  • May 24thVictoria Day. No school.
  • May 31stProfessional Day for teachers. No school for students.


Parents and guardians:

A letter was sent home today informing you of a bike safety program, LEARN2RIDE, all Grade 6/7’s are invited to participate in.

Please read this notice carefully and return it to us by the end of the week: Friday, April 30th.

Students who have bikes and helmets are asked to please bring them to school May 10th, as the host organization, HUB only has a few extra bikes for us to borrow. If your child does not have a bike or helmet, please let us know. We’ve taken a survey already and feel like we will be able to participate in this program given the number of students with bikes. If you have an extra bike or helmet, please let us know!

Here is the notice in case your child has lost it. HUB Learn2Ride_2021

I look forward to hearing from all you by the end of the week. Thank you so much for your cooperation!

Happy Earth Day!

This week has been EARTH WEEK at Maywood.

On Monday, Div. 1 introduced the Walk or Bike to School Maywood Challenge. Each class has been invited to compete for the most “human-powered” trips to school. All week, students are trying to decrease GREENHOUSE GASES by avoiding car trips to school and opting to walk, ride, scoot or board to school. This coming month, Div. 1 will be learning more about CLIMATE CHANGE, how it works and what we can do to curb our emissions.

Tuesday, Ms. Tadd led our Leadership students to through a community clean-up. Many of our students participated!

Thursday (today), is EARTH DAY! Let’s celebrate our love of the Earth and all its bounty. Here are some things you can do to celebrate Earth Day outdoors:

  • Plant a pollinator garden outside
  • Clean up a local trail or park
  • Go on a nature walk with loved ones
  • Learn something new about an animal you’re curious about
  • Find a sit-spot, enjoy a moment of quiet and make a list of your favourite things in nature.

Friday we’ll be collecting all classroom tallies and will announce the winner of the Maywood challenge. Good work this week, Division 1!!

Also, watch FREE digital release of THE READICALS this Earth Day, April 22, 2021 at

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