This week has been EARTH WEEK at Maywood.

On Monday, Div. 1 introduced the Walk or Bike to School Maywood Challenge. Each class has been invited to compete for the most “human-powered” trips to school. All week, students are trying to decrease GREENHOUSE GASES by avoiding car trips to school and opting to walk, ride, scoot or board to school. This coming month, Div. 1 will be learning more about CLIMATE CHANGE, how it works and what we can do to curb our emissions.

Tuesday, Ms. Tadd led our Leadership students to through a community clean-up. Many of our students participated!

Thursday (today), is EARTH DAY! Let’s celebrate our love of the Earth and all its bounty. Here are some things you can do to celebrate Earth Day outdoors:

  • Plant a pollinator garden outside
  • Clean up a local trail or park
  • Go on a nature walk with loved ones
  • Learn something new about an animal you’re curious about
  • Find a sit-spot, enjoy a moment of quiet and make a list of your favourite things in nature.

Friday we’ll be collecting all classroom tallies and will announce the winner of the Maywood challenge. Good work this week, Division 1!!

Also, watch FREE digital release of THE READICALS this Earth Day, April 22, 2021 at