
Please note:

  • Homework is now being updated in your child’s Team in Office365.
  • To view our weekly schedule, please click the link to download the schedule.

Weekly schedule_SM_2022-23

School Supplies List_2022

Division 14 Calendar 2022-2023


  1. lanawayk


  2. Anjunette

    Hi miss lanaway

    • lanawayk

      Hello, Anjunette! Glad you figured out how to leave a comment!

      • Frederick

        I like the rain.

      • Fran Srbljanin

        hi everyone here

      • rizwaan

        i went to the website and I don t know what to do now

        • lanawayk

          Come see me tomorrow at school. I can walk you through it.

    • guia


      • rizwaan

        send me the password, please

        • lanawayk

          I can’t do this over this kind of communication. I suggest you write this information in your planner. Good luck!

  3. Guia

    hello guys i’m doing my homework

  4. Zypher

    Hi! Ms. Lanaway!

    • lanawayk

      Hello!! πŸ™‚

  5. Margel

    hi!i finished my scavenger hunt!

    • lanawayk

      Good job!

    • Naomi

      And I did not

  6. Avi

    Miss Lanaway what does it mean by β€˜β€™ what animal is pictured in June 5, 2018 Blog post’’

    • lanawayk

      YOu need to scroll down the home page ALL the way to the post dated, June 5, 2018. The picture is of a pileated woodpecker that we saw on one of our trips to Central Park.

  7. Ignazzio

    Hello Ms. Lanaway!

    • lanawayk

      Hello Ignazzio! Welcome to the Lounge!

  8. Andrea

    Hello Mrs. Lanaway Hi Classmates!!!! this is soooo hard ;-; anyways Bye!!!!!!!

    • lanawayk

      You did it! Good job!

  9. Stephanie


    • lanawayk

      Hi! πŸ™‚

  10. Evan

    Hi people

  11. Angelina Vittoria

    Hi Ma. lanaway. I’ll see you tomorrow

    • lanawayk

      Hi Avi! πŸ™‚

  12. Guia

    hello again

  13. christine

    hi Ms. Lanaway! how are you doing today?!

    • lanawayk

      I’m great! How are you??

  14. Josie

    Hello Ms.Lanaway

    • lanawayk

      Hi!! πŸ™‚

    • Ela Onal


  15. lanawayk

    Hey Friends: Just a quick note to let you know that when you leave a comment, you will not SEE it right away. I have to approve it first. I see that some of you have sent multiple comments which I suspect is because you don’t see and you think you’ve done something wrong, so you do it again. Don’t panic if you don’t see it. I will eventually “approve” your comment and only then will you see it. πŸ™‚

  16. Andrea ;-;

    Mrs Lanaway I don’t know my username for Microsoft so can you please tell me in the comments. And is is like… _______@Burnabyschools.ca? well I don’t know anyways hope you have a great day and night mrs Lanaway! Hi Class mates how are you guys? is your day going well? “One reply for Andrea = One friend for Andrea ;-;” hope all you guys have a great day and night!!!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    • lanawayk

      Hi Andrea, you use your personal student number in front of @edu.burnabyschools.ca

  17. Avi

    miss Lanaway Can you show me the email for office365?

    • lanawayk

      Your student number in front of @edu.burnabyschools.ca

  18. Ethan M

    Hi Ms.Lanaway Thank you for helping me with making predictions.

    • lanawayk

      You’re welcome, Ethan! I look forward to reading them tomorrow!

  19. Avi

    Miss Lanaway in word wall it says my ten sentences. What do I have to write?

    • lanawayk

      For this assignment you need to have your two definitions ready to share with your table plus ten sentences – one sentence for each vocab word, using that word in a sentence that you made up yourself. For example: If the definition was “pinafore”, a sentence you might use is: The book looked old fashioned because on the cover was pictured a girl wearing a pinafore.

  20. Christine

    Thanks for reminding Ms. Lanaway!

  21. Christine

    I don’t get what’s on the back can you help me please!?

    • lanawayk

      You don’t need to worry about the back page yet. It was only the first page of the mammals worksheet that you needed to work on.

  22. Avi

    Ms. Lanaway can mind if you tell me the questions on my math? I forgot my text book. by the way I’m in group 2.

  23. Keanne

    Ms. Lanaway I am confused on which folder im suppose to use for the socials project. Do we do the project in the shared one or our own? Because I am trying to do it today (Wednesday) but i don’t remember which folder to do it in. And where do we put the answers?

    • lanawayk

      Use the document from the “shared” folder. Then you can all work on the same document. IF you use your own document, then you need to copy and paste your work into the shared document eventually.

  24. Keanne

    Do we only do the first side of the new GBR sheet (babes in the woods)? Or do we do the whole page?

    • lanawayk

      Whole page

  25. ela

    ❀❀hi ms. Lanaway ❀❀

  26. Avi

    Ms. Lanaway mind if you could tell me what I could do to improve my social studies?

    • lanawayk

      Let’s have a conversation about this. Come see me tomorrow at school.

  27. stephanie

    Ms.Lanaway, for the venn diagram in science do we have to do both of the venn diagrams? Or just one?

    • lanawayk

      Both are due.

  28. noor

    where do I find word wall #4

  29. Evan

    Hello people

    • lanawayk

      Hi Evan… did you have a question regarding your homework?

  30. noor

    hey Ms.Lanaway, so I heard that we don’t have school anymore, are we going to be taking online classes or are we not going to have school because some of my friends say we have online classes and some say you are going to write us the homework. Also, how are we going to show you the homework?

    • lanawayk

      Hi Noor,
      Welcome back from Spring Break! I know that we all have many questions about what is going to happen. Please find the email that I have sent to your family. I have also posted it to the Lounge. I hope that you are well!
      I promise that I will answer all your questions in the coming days!
      Stay well –
      Ms. L

  31. Wen Chong

    Hi Miss Lanaway and everyone else!

  32. quintus chen

    done homework

    • quintus chen

      yea im done

    • lanawayk

      Good job, Quintus!!

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