Month: April 2022

Edit: THANK YOU for the newsprint!

We no longer need newsprint for our Art projects. Thank you so much for your donations! We do, however, continue to need plastic storage containers for our paper mache glue. If you can spare some, that would be great!

  • plastic tupperware containers with lids
  • Monopoly game board (5 needed total) – Social Studies unit

Hello Div. 3 Families!

We’re ready for the next stage of our mask making!! Tomorrow we will begin to paper mache our masks. That means we will need newspaper for making strips. If you could send any extra newspaper to school tomorrow, that would be great. Also helpful, would be plastic containers with lids (for wet paper mache storage). If you have any larger containers that can be loaned for your child’s use at school, that would be helpful.

Paper mache can be very messy and requires great patience. Students should come to school with a smock or large button-up shirt (think ratty old plaid) that can be used like a paint smock.

To view our process, please check the link. We are using the template from this Ultimate Paper Mache.



Spring has Sprung – April News

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend and were able to enjoy the weather and spend time with family! Last week was busy with Student Leds. With no school again next Monday, April shapes up to be a very busy month indeed!

Please revisit homework expectations with your child.

Students should be writing homework in their planner EVERY day, with a minimum of 20 min of home reading every night. You can expect another 10 min/day of other work such as Lit Circle work (reading, questions, connection and vocab), Science (reading, questions), Spelling packages and weekly quiz, What in the World – non-fiction reading and questions.

If students are organized and working a little bit each day, this work load is very doable. If they are waiting to do this work until the night before it is due, they will struggle. Organization is the key here.  Students who are efficient with their time at school are even better off.  If you are unsure about homework, please check the student planner, TEAMS, or simply ask me (email works best).

April news:

  • April 13 – Student-led conferences (early dismissal Wed/Thur at 2pm)
  • April 13 – International Day of Pink – wear pink and become more aware of issues of homophobia
  • April 15/17 – Good Friday/Easter Monday – no school
  • April 22 – Earth Day. Wear green and blue. Intermediate assembly in the gym (a.m.).
  • April 25 – Professional Development for teachers (no school).

Thank you!

Thank you to all our fabulous Div. 3 students who worked hard to prepare and share their learning with their families. Thank you to parents who came to support and learn from their children. Your care and curiosity was a joy to witness!

Please let me know if you still cannot get into your child’s blog. I will work to fix this!

April 13, 2022 is the International Day of Pink!

From the Day of Pink website:

“Discrimination takes many shapes, whether it’s based on race, age, disabilities, gender or sexuality. The 2SLGBTQIA+ community is no stranger to the bullying and violence that stems from hateful beliefs. While progress has been made towards removing these social barriers from our society, discrimination still persists. So, every year, on the second Wednesday of April, we urge people around the world to put on a pink shirt and stand in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to continue fighting for equality and acceptance.

Whether it’s in Canada or beyond, we need to stand up against hateful beliefs to keep the clock from turning backwards on our efforts towards establishing equality for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. It’s time now to educate the future generation to not repeat history, demand more of our politicians and policy makers, and participate in creating real change through real effort.

International Day of Pink is an organization with one purpose: to create a more inclusive and diverse world. They do this by encouraging young people to challenge social norms, ask more of their educators, and stand up against bullying towards their 2SLGBTQIA+ peers. Over the years they have worked with countless educators, politicians and organizations around Canada to spread this message and create young activists for this mission”. (

Student Led Conferences are next week! (please return form)

Hi friends,

Student Led Conferences are being held next Wednesday, after students are dismissed early at 2pm. Please keep an eye out for the pink or green notice that went home last Friday. I need these filled out and returned ASAP (by tomorrow/Tue).

In preparation our upcoming Student Leds, please make sure you know how to log into your child’s blogfolio using your unique sign-in (your email address) and password. If you forget how to do this, your child should be able to show you. If you have forgotten your password, please navigate through “forgot password” from the sign-in.

  • Thursday will also be early dismissal – 2pm.
  • Good Friday is Friday, April 15 (no school)
  • Easter Monday is Monday, April 18 (no school)


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