We no longer need newsprint for our Art projects. Thank you so much for your donations! We do, however, continue to need plastic storage containers for our paper mache glue. If you can spare some, that would be great!

  • plastic tupperware containers with lids
  • Monopoly game board (5 needed total) – Social Studies unit

Hello Div. 3 Families!

We’re ready for the next stage of our mask making!! Tomorrow we will begin to paper mache our masks. That means we will need newspaper for making strips. If you could send any extra newspaper to school tomorrow, that would be great. Also helpful, would be plastic containers with lids (for wet paper mache storage). If you have any larger containers that can be loaned for your child’s use at school, that would be helpful.

Paper mache can be very messy and requires great patience. Students should come to school with a smock or large button-up shirt (think ratty old plaid) that can be used like a paint smock.

To view our process, please check the link. We are using the template from this Ultimate Paper Mache.