Learning – Page 3 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Category: Learning

Ocean Animals


One of the big ideas in the science curriculum for grade one is that living things have features and behaviours that help them survive in their environment. We have been learning about how ocean animals have unique structural features and behavioural adaptations that allow them to live in the sea.

First, we read facts about four very different animals.  Then, we recorded the information on a graphic organizer under the headings, can, have, are.  Next, we wrote full sentences about each fact using a capital at the beginning and a period at the end. Finally, we wrote a good copy and put the pages together in a report. 

We brought our reports home today to share with you. We are feeling very proud!

Aquarium Field Trip


We had an exciting day at the Vancouver Aquarium!

It was a beautiful autumn day . . . sunny and crisp!

When we first arrived at the Vancouver Aquarium, we had a visit from Scuba Claus.  ‘Tis the SEAson…Ho, Ho, Ho!.

At the Aquarium, we got the opportunity to learn about the ocean and its animals using all of our senses.  We saw playful otters, basking sea lions and hungry feeding seals. Inside, we saw glowing jellyfish, colourful schools of fish, sharks, stingrays and moray eels.

We visited the Tropical Rainforest where we saw turtles, monkeys, snakes and the elusive sloth.  We heard exotic birds, screeching monkeys and shrieking bats. We also got to smell cacao beans . . . and learned that chocolate comes from these beans.

Finally, we visited the Wet Lab.  We got to touch sea cucumbers, anemones, sea snails, starfish and sea urchins.

My hope was that the visit to the Vancouver Aquarium would inspire the children to build emotional connections to the marine animals and their habitats, and that these connections would encourage respect and care for the environment. Listening to their questions and comments today, I believe that the children care a lot about their world!

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who enabled this wonderful trip to take place!

Apple Art

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We are artists, and as artists, we can explore different elements, materials and techniques, and create works of art inspired by nature.  Here are our representations of apples using yarn and marbles and paint.