imagineertech – Ms Gourlay's Class

Author: imagineertech

Parkcrest is celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday by participating in an exciting project.

This project involves recognizing the contributions of a group of iconic Canadian musicians, Gord Downie and the Tragically Hip.  Their songs are all about Canadian identity and culture.

Gord Downie is a Canadian hero.  He believes in helping others, including raising awareness about the history of Canada’s indigenous people.  Gord was recently diagnosed with brain cancer.

Parkcrest Elementary along with Chaffey-Burke Elementary, is learning one of the HIP’s songs “Ahead by a Century”, which will be videoed and submitted as our contribution to the “Canada 150th” event.  The song will also be performed by the children at an assembly in May and also at the Primary Days of Music.

Stay tuned for more information on how you can be the proud owner of one of these T-shirts.

I am always amazed by what children can do!

Division 10 has been reading First Nations stories from the Pacific Northwest Coast.  We have been learning about the rich, mythic traditions that these stories contain.

One of the stories that we read was “Storm Boy” by Paul Owen Lewis.  This story is about a boy who is lost in a storm and is transported to the mysterious undersea world of the giant Killer Whale people. 

With the help of Ms. Chow, the district technology teacher,  the children reinterpreted the story using iPads  and an app called ChattterPix.  The children each chose a page and retold the story from a different perspective.