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Building A Boat

Our Assignment: Build a boat that would float and hold as many blocks as possible without sinking… record your materials draw a diagram of your boat add blocks until your boat sinks…don’t forget to count!!! record how many blocks it held before it sank Our Materials: tinfoil straws popsicle sticks  pipe cleaners cardboard rectangles Here’s … Continue reading »

Categories: Math, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Measuring Area, Capacity & Mass

Last week we learned about ‘area’ in math. What is area? The size of a surface. The amount of space inside the boundary of a flat (2-dimensional) object such as a triangle or circle. We compared the area of our chairs to the area of our desks using index cards…           Working with … Continue reading »

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Measurement In Math

We have started a new unit in math since coming back from the winter break–Measurement. So far we have been working on comparing objects to determine: longer shorter or about the same as Our lessons include: Wiggly Worms–we each created a worm, and then placed them in order from shortest to longest by comparing our worms … Continue reading »

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Lego Math

As promised…here is the Lego math game we played today…Enjoy!!! Lego Game Here are some samples from today… Lego People

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Pattern Unit Launch

Today we started our first math unit– Patterns We gathered together to look at the “big gigantic book” (bum bum bum) and find patterns in the classroom picture…We found so many!!!  We found lots of patterns in our own classroom as well: the couch blanket some of our clothes the bulletin board borders our September … Continue reading »

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Math You Can EAT!

Today is one of our favourite days in math–Math you can EAT!!! This time it was M-M-M-Marshmallows! [metaslider id=1433] We each start with a booklet and a zippy bag of mini marshmallows, and make an estimate of how many we think are in the bag.  We record that estimate, then move on to sorting the marshmallows by … Continue reading »

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Measuring Fun

This past week we have been working on measuring area, capacity and mass.  You might be wondering ‘What does that look like in Kindergarten and Grade One?’ Area: This was as easy as 1…2…3… First, we traced our hands Then, we estimated how many fruit loops it would take to cover that area, then glued them on… … Continue reading »

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Measurement Fun!

Our Measurement Unit is in full swing–we have been comparing all over the place!   Earlier this week we used magazines to find things that were “little” and “big” (check out the bulletin board in the hallway to see our results).   We have also used a brand new pencil as a referent and found classroom … Continue reading »

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