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Field Trips

A Charlie Brown Christmas!

We had a great time today travelling to the Carousal Theatre to see a live production of A Charlie Brown Christmas!   We had an early lunch, then headed with the 5 other primary classes onto the school buses.  For some of us it was our first trip on a school bus–that alone was worth the trip!!! … Continue reading »

Categories: Arts, Field Trips | Leave a comment

Trip To SFU

I know this happened a while ago…forgive me, but we’ve been very busy with our production of “The Little Mermaid”! We had an awesome time visiting SFU… (it brought back some fond memories for Ms. McKenna and I!) We made a trip to the SFU Trottier Studio to participate in a workshop in the ‘Science In Action’ … Continue reading »

Categories: Field Trips | Leave a comment

Our First Field Trip

Yesterday was our first field trip of the year.  We went to the Mc Gill branch of the Burnaby Public Library.  It was a beautiful day to walk over–we all enjoyed looking at the seasonal changes.  A big thank you to all the Grade One students–they were VERY responsible–being excellent partners to the Kindergarten students!!  Way to … Continue reading »

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Mountain Gems

Yesterday we went on another visit out into our community–we visited the rock and gem store Mountain Gems.  The walk was nice,  no rain, and we even had time to drop off a Thank You card we made for North Burnaby Dental!   Once we got to the store, we focused our attention on Bruce (the … Continue reading »

Categories: Field Trips | 1 Comment