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Emily Carr Art

We have been exploring the work of Emily Carr.  Our focus has been on her work of trees.  We have learned a little bit about her biography, and been lucky enough to see a lot of her really wonderful work through a link at the Vancouver Art Gallery. (Thanks to the P.A.C. for the new … Continue reading »

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Art Room

Last week was our first visit to the art room!  We watched an i-movie of Autumn Leaves and trees set to the song “Autumn Leaves” by Ed Sheeran.  After that inspiration, we picked up the charcoal and started to sketch. What were our goals? To have a ‘horizon’ line for our tree to sit on … Continue reading »

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Drama Fun

In our last few drama periods we have been working on dramatizing the story “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen. What are the learning outcomes we are working on??? The drama curriculum for Kindergarten and Grade One includes: find and stay in their own personal space (e.g., the “space bubble” that a person occupies) … Continue reading »

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We have begun the work of preparing items for our Annual Art Show!  (Taking place this spring…) We are working on creating landscapes this year.  “Landscapes are works of art that feature scenes of nature: mountains, lakes, gardens, rivers, etc.” We have been looking at a variety of pieces of landscape art from the Burnaby Art Gallery … Continue reading »

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The Circle of Life

Today in drama we ‘enacted’ the life cycle of a plant! We began with a story “I’m a Seed” by Jean Marzollo.   After reading the story of two seeds (marigold and pumpkin) and their “lives”, we reviewed the steps in their lives and drew a diagram on the board that included: plant life cycle … Continue reading »

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