Our latest project has been a collaborative painting project–also related to our work ‘Under The Sea’ . We have started to design a door panel for Room 3. If you are interested, you can come and see the completed door panels in Room 6 (Mrs. Safarik) and the Music Room (Mrs. Ishii).
In creating our panel, we have used acrylic paints with pot scrubbers to make a sandy ocean floor, and plastic wrap to create the beautiful ocean waves!!! We mixed colours directly on the panel, making sure to blend, but not completely mix…it looks phenomenal!
Working in small groups we completed the basic background this week, and will continue to work to complete it over the next few art periods.
We will each choose, design, and then paint an ocean animal that we will add to that background.
Our goal is to have this project finished for Student Led Conferences as well…or if not, at least you’ll get to see the work in progress!! If you want a sneak peek, pop in to take a look–it’s hiding behind the couch right now!