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Force & Motion

Posted by on April 9, 2016

We have begun a new science unit on Force & Motion!

We have defined force as “making things move”.

We have defined motion as “moving from A to B” (or from one place to another place)

  1. We have done a number of experiments with toys–testing out the different ways they can move:  Does it bounce, spin, slide, or roll?  Thanks to our Grade One girls for leading a group in these experiments.
  2. We watched a documentary on motion, learning about push and pull and speed.
  3. We went out to the playground to test out what we had learned about motion, searching for things that needed either a push or a pull to move.  Ask us what we found…
  4. We did some experiments to test gravity by dropping a number of items on the floor to see which would hit the ground first.  This was VERY tricky as it was hard to tell!!  But we learned that they all hit the ground at the same time because of gravity.
  5. Our next experiment involves using air as a force to help make things move…

“Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”~Albert Einstein

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