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Growing An Apple Blossom Amaryllis

Posted by on January 18, 2016

This term in science we are growing an Amaryllis!  It is a very exciting plant to grow as the ‘seed’ (really a bulb) is HUGE, it grows quickly and very TALL (yes, there is a reason why we are learning about measurement in math!).

So far, we have:


I wonder

Things I wonder about the Amaryllis…

Brainstormed a list of questions that we “wonder” about the amaryllis:

  • What colour will it be?
  • What will it look like?
  • What will it feel like?
  • How tall will it be?
  • Will it be low, medium, or high?
  • How long will the flowers last?
  • How long until it blooms?
  • Will it be taller than last year’s?
  • How does it smell?
  • How many blooms will it have?
  • How long until it starts to grow? (it took 2 days!)
  • How does it grow?
  • Will it have leaves?

Made a number of entries in our logbook:

  • Table of Contents (this is non-fiction writing you know!)
  • What materials do we need to plant an amaryllis?  (pot, soil, water, bulb)
  • Day 3-How much has it grown? 15cm. (using a ruler to measure)
  • What does the Amaryllis need to grow? (sun, water, soil, air)
  • Day 10-How much has it grown?  22.5 cm.(figuring out how many cm. it has grown by comparing to our last measurement)

Still to come:

  • parts of a plant (experiments related to the job of each part of a plant)
  • more entries on how tall it is growing
  • scientists and artists–watch for work on the bulletin boards…

You can check out our Amaryllis Project from last year…to see how we work our way through the scientific process…stay tuned over the next 4-6 weeks for pictures as our Amaryllis begins to grow!


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